Chapter 39: {Rythmic beating} Part. 1

Start from the beginning

"Tha last comment was a little unnecessary; I think you need to calm down Officer Lavigne. Did your one night stand make a run for it this morning? You know, the withholding of intercourse often results in short fuses, but worry not! I'm sure these two would be beyond happy to help you out," I said to her while faking sympathy, I gave her a nod pointing towards the two creepy men sitting in the corner of the cell.

"Right pedophiles?"

Her grip on my arm tightened, the sympathy in my voice quickly disintegrated and turned into anger, "Get your hands off me, Lavigne," I grumbled, I could have easily pulled my arm from her grasp, but I wanted her to understand her place. 

Without responding she pulled me from the cell and through the halls of the police holding facilities. Other policemen and women on each side of the halls greeted Lavigne with curt nods, she responded with one of her own. What was she? Freaking superwomen?

"Did I stutter? I said let go fo me," She ignored me, once again. I pulled my arm from her grasp and turned to glare at her. 

"Where are you trying to take me?"

"I told you; that it's time someone taught you some discipline. Which is something Officer Damian could not do, even if he tried," I glared at officer Lavigne and stepped towards her. 

"So you're his replacement?" I asked her, trying not to let my voice waver, Damian was my friend and one of the only people who understood me, I just got him fired. What about his little sister? The money he needs. God, I am such a selfish bitch.

"Correct," Lavigne glared back at me.

"Well then Lavigne, I promise you, that from now on I am going to make your life a living Hell."


Lavigne pulled up to the front of Lukes house; her tires screeched against the smooth carpark. I looked around the front of the mansion for any signs of Damian's shitty car, with didn't contrast very well next to Lavigne's car; which was a beautiful black mustang.  

I saw Nathan's car parked to the side of the driveway but no sign of Damian's. I swallowed, and the officer sitting next to me cleared her throat. 

"Look, I don't know what the rules were like when Damian was around, but things are going to change now. You can wear whatever you want, but you only leave the house when I am with you or if I give your permission," I rolled my eyes; that rule was soon to be broken. Very quickly. 

"And there is no parties, driving or group gatherings in general. Anything that could lead to you breaking the law is banned," Lavigne spoke seriously; I waited for her to finish before I burst out laughing. I turned in my seat to look at Officer Lavigne and undid my seatbelt. 

"You fucking dreaming if you think you can tell be what to do," I pushed the car door open and jumped out before she could respond, I slammed the door shut in her face. 


"Damian? Are you here?!" I yelled into the probably empty house. Someone closed the door behind me.

"Sasha?" My dad walked down the stairs his hair ruffled and large blue bags under his eyes.

"Yeah, is Damian still here or have they kicked him out yet?" Luke pulled his lip into his teeth and shook his head from left to right causing my heart to drop to my stomach in disappointment. 

Dads eyes flickered to the person behind me, and he glared as her eyes scanned around the house. She turned back to him and raised a dark eyebrow when she caught him staring, he rolled his eyes, unfazed, before checking his watch. 

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