Chapter 8

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"Knock, knock," Angie knocked on my door.
"Come in," I said.
"Hey, what are you doing?" She stepped in.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking," I said.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked.
"Do you have to ask? You can read my mind right?" I asked.
"Okay, let's see. You're thinking of a plan to get back at that guy," she said.

"Correct," I exhaled.
"Come on, take your mind off things for a while," she said.
"No thanks," I said. I was lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling.
"Okay, I'll be next door if you need me," she said.
"Wait! I'm sorry," I apologized.
"Please stay, I really don't need to be alone at this time," I reached out for her hand.
She took it and laid next to me.
"So you're an Angel?" I asked.
"Guilty as charged," she laughed.

"Nobody will believe me if I tell them," I smiled.
"What would you tell them?" She asked.
"I would tell them that there's this gorgeous girl in my house and guess what, she's my guardian angel," I said.
"Yeah that will probably not work, gorgeousness and angel don't go well together," she said. We were now facing each other.
"Yes they do, I usually don't believe people when they say somebody is God sent, but now that's changed," I touched her chin.

"I'm glad you changed," she smiled.
Okay, Trey, firstly she came to you, secondly she is just millimetres away from you right now and finally it's time.
I leaned forward for a kiss, I saw her eyes close and I thought to myself, 'I got this'. Our lips touched, for a moment I couldn't believe it. Her lips were soft and sweet, I was kissing her! Seconds later I pulled out from the kiss and moved to her neck. She started to moan my name which gave me power but later it was more like a 'Trey stop' thing.
After fighting with myself I stopped.

She stood up and started to panic, she paced up and down like the first time we met. Returning to my previous position because I had lost an amazing kiss.
"What's wrong Angie?" I exhaled.
"This is wrong!" She exclaimed.
I raised my head just to see what she was doing and I met her face full of tears. I instantly jumped out of bed and went to her.
"Hey, don't cry," I brushed her shoulders.

Of course she continued to cry, why do girls do that, I mean the exact opposite thing. She was scratching herself like she was itchy or maybe she felt like she was dirty.
"I am dirty!" She yelled.
"Angie, Angie! Snap out of it, you did nothing wrong, okay?" I shaked her.
"Trey, that wasn't supposed to happen," she said.
"Oh yeah? So you're telling me that you regret it?" I asked as I slowly wiped the tears off her face.

"Yes," she said.
"If I were to do it again, would you stop me?" I asked.
"No, I mean yes," she was confused.
"You seem confused so why don't we find out," I said and pulled her close to me and kissed her. She didn't budge, like literally her lips were like a brick. But eventually she responded, no one can resist me.
She backed up and we fell on the bed, me on top of her.
We kissed for like one second and she pushed me off.

"I'm sorry," she ran out of the room.
Shit! Should I go after her? No, that would make me a pussy, should I stay here, hell no that would make a jerk. Running after her it is then.
"Angie open up," I knocked on her door. It was locked.
"Go away!" She yelled.
"Fine! But I think you should know that it takes two to tango so stop being an Angel, come out, human to human," I banged on the door.
She opened it, yay!

"What was that for!" I exclaimed. She slapped me, hard I'm telling you, it hurt.
"I don't know," she shrugged.
"That wasn't cool at all man," I said rubbing my precious cheek.
"I'm about to slap the other she cheek," she said.
"Woah, okay let's not get mad. Look I'm sorry for kissing you but I would do it again," I said.
"This isn't going to happen Trey, I'm an Angel and you're a human," she said.
"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

"Oh sorry, forgot to translate to simple English, me and you cannot do anything, being friends is the only thing welcomed, nothing more and nothing less," she said slowly.
"But you have to admit that you feel something for me," I said.
"Like I said," she exhaled.
"You do feel something beyond friendship, you said it yourself, I feel something you feel the exact same thing," I said.
"Me and you is the recipe for disaster," she said.

"Fuck it! I'm done, I've been chasing girls around, do you know what's the problem with good girls, they so need to be worshipped, praised, that's why I don't have a real girlfriend and you missy you're just like them, scared to take risks, you're scared of being outside your comfort zone. Fuck it! I'll be at the bar section if you need me," I spoke my mind.
"You can't drink, you're going to school tomorrow," she stepped in my way.

"Mommy, I can't go to school tomorrow, I'll be sick," I mimicked a voice of a six year old.
"Okay now you're being rude," she said.
"Oh I'm sorry, for hurting your feelings," I said.
"Fine, go on it's your freaken life!" She exclaimed.
"Thank you," I walked past her and then I stopped dead.
"You swore," I said.
"No I didn't," she said.
"You said it's my fucking life," I did hear her say freaken but it's reverse psychology.

"I said freaken," she said.
"Aha! That's still a curse word," I got her.
"No it's not, it's just a word," she said.
"No it isn't," I said.
"Yes it is," I said.
"No it isn't," she said.
"Yes it is," I stepped closer to her.
"I could do this all night," she smiled.
"As long as you promise to keep smiling," I smirked.
"Oh it is no!" She exclaimed.
"Yes it is," I said.
"No it's not," she smiled.
"Oh come here," I kissed her again and this time I'm not planning on letting her go, I've got my hand around her neck.

"I won," she managed to say through our kiss causing me to chuckle.

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