Chapter 3

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"Well look what the cat dragged in," Chloe scolded.
"Baby, don't tell me you're still mad about that day," I reached out to touch her behind.
"I'm furious," she hit my hand.
"Whatever, I ate that and now it's time to move on," I smirked.
"You're the devil himself," she said.
"Move on," I smiled.
"I see you're back but are you really? Trey Young your time has run out we have a new king now, your highness," she said.

"Don't test me little girl, this snake bites," I firmly gripped her arm causing her to wince in pain.
"Let go of me!" She tried to cause a scene and I quickly let her go.
"Bye bitch," I whispered in her ear.
"I wish you die a slow and painful death," she left with her friends.

"Make room for the sexy lover-" I stopped.
"Wait, you're not Charlotte," I said to the receptionist.
"I'm definitely not, thanks for noticing, can I help you sexy lover boy?" She asked.
"What happened to Charlotte?" I asked.
"Trey Young," a firm voice said behind me.
"Principal Wizkid," I smiled.
"It's Waizurked, please step into my office," He said.
"Thank you Sharmaine," he gestured to the receptionist.

"Sharmaine? What happened to Charlotte?" I cried. (Figuratively)
"You mean the slim, sexy, model body, blonde Charlotte?" He asked.
"Yes!" I exclaimed.
"She's gone," he smiled.
"Why?" I asked.
"We found out about all the things, inappropriate relationships she had with students, students like you Mr Young," he said.
"Oh man, well we lost someone there sir, I mean as man to man, we've both seen what she does with her body, her walk, clothes and legs," I smiled.

"Please let's not talk about ex-colleagues," he fixed his tie. The dude got really sweaty.
"Yes of course," I said professionally.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"I want to continue attending to this school," I said.
"I'm afraid that's not going to happen," he said.
"Why not, you can't deny me of education?" I asked.
"Didn't your father tell you about our meeting?" He asked.
"Sir, I will try and do my best, education is really important to me," I begged.

"You are a gifted kid and we had high hopes for you," he said.
"Please sir, trust me. I screwed up and I realize my mistake," I pleaded.
"I do like the sound of that, but I can't welcome you with open arms," he said
"Sir, I've changed," I lied.
"I find that hard to believe, please I have business to do," he pointed at the door.
"Okay, let's make a deal. If I miss one day of school without a valid reason I'm out for good," I said. It was hard to say but hey, I had to.

"Deal," he put his hand out for me to shake. And I gladly did.
"Welcome back," he smiled.
"Thank you," I left him.


"I see you've gone back to school," my dad barged in my room.
"I see you're talking again. You know what dad, stop being a pussy. Let out your anger," I said.
"Where's my son? What did you do to my boy!" He grabbed me by my shirt and started to shake me.
"Your son died a long time ago, you just have to deal with the new me," I pushed him away from me.
"Let's see how far you get this time," he left.
I wish I could just, okay calm down Trey.

"Stacy, baby!" I picked up my phone.
"Are you alone daddy?" She asked from the other end of the line.
"Heck yeah! Come on over, daddy needs some cheering," I said.
"Should I bring the naughty cheerleader costume or the bad bad nurse?" She asked.
"Both," I said.
"I like the sound of that,give me half an hour," she said.
"I'll be ready, just don't use the front door," I said.
"You said you were alone," she said.

"You know how my dad likes to listen hey?" I laughed.
"That's weird," she said.
"Hurry, I can't wait for you to tell me how naughty I've been lately," I said.
"Okay," she hung up.
'Whoo! Time to party' I said to myself as I went to the bathroom to take a shower. A very quick shower and I have to clean up and dim the lights because it's going to be a hell of a night. Oh Stacy, Stacy! She's something I'm telling you, something real good. She's good to me.
She listens to me and doesn't judge, I like her but not in that way, she's just a booty call and I like how she accepts that not like some other girls like Chloe.

We enjoy each other's company. Now enough blabbering about a thirty year old Stacy. I need to get my groove on.


"Trey?" Someone shook me.
"Yeah," I turned to meet the beautiful Stacy.
"Didn't you say you were going back to school today?" She brushed my chest.
"Yeah, what time is it?" I yawned.
"It's going to be six o'clock soon," she smiled.
"Six o'clock?" I kicked the blankets like a ninja.
"Yep, come back to bed," she grabbed my arm.
"School stars at eight o'clock and I'm supposed to be in the building by half past seven," I started to panic.

"Baby, calm down. You have plenty of time and besides I'm here to assist you if you need help in reaching far places when you shower," she started to kiss my neck.
"That's very tempting but I'll pass," I grabbed my towel.
"Trey, this is me, all naked in your bed and I'm offering my services," she said.
"We can't risk dad finding you here," I said.
"You said it yourself that he likes to listen," she laughed.

"I was joking," I smirked.
"Time is flying go on I'll be right behind you," she pushed me towards the bathroom.


"Here's your breakfast handsome," she said as I walked back to my room.
"Dad's gone?" I asked.
"I don't know but it's really quiet," she said.
"Thanks for breakfast, I should marry  you one day," I kissed her.
"Easy tiger," she laughed.

"Have a great day," she said as she fixed my tie.
"Fingers crossed that I don't screw this up," I said.
"You're a born rebel, if it doesn't work out there'll always be a new job opening up at the hospital," she said.
"Thanks I'll hold you to that, hey, I noticed something last night on your body," I paused as I searched for the truth in her eyes.
"Is Jackson still pushing you around?" I asked.
"I'm handling it," she looked away.
"I'm a phone call away right?" I asked.
"Yes sir," she smiled.

I swear on my siblings I never had that I'm the only person who can make her smile like that. Only me.

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