Chapter 2

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"Dude!" A voice shouted.
I slowly opened up my eyes and met Goerge, the manager of this bar.
"You got to leave man, I think you've had enough," he said in fear.
"George my man!" I got up and I was dizzy. I don't remember arriving at this bar but I sure do remember picking up some cocaine from Diane.
"It's gone," he said. I was searching for my phone.
"Again?" I asked.
"Yep," he said.
"Same girl?" I asked.

"Same girl," he tried to hold back a laugh.
"Why didn't you stop her?" I asked.
"Hey, you don't know yourself when you're drunk. You're a complete different person, a hot head," he finally laughed.
"Watch it bro, I'm a loyal customer here, you're nothing without me," I said.
"Yeah about that, some investigators were tipped that I was selling to under age children and I'm currently being investigated so this needs to stop," he said.

"I don't believe this! Goerge it's me, Trey. Where else am I going to get booze?" I asked him.
"I don't know man," he shrugged.
"I get it, you've had enough of my money. It's okay I'll leave and for your information, rumors say that your wife is cheating on you with that new bar tender you hired," I said and then left.
The mysterious girl took my cellphone for the third time, she's lucky I don't report her.

It's got a tracker and everything but I'll just let it go. I'll buy a new one.
I waited for a cab to take my drunk ass home. Hopefully I don't bump into daddy dearest because I'll sure give him a piece of my mind.
"You look like a troubled boy," the cab driver said.
"Just mind the driving grandpa," I said.
"I don't even want to imagine what your parents are going through," he said.
"Shut the F up!" I yelled.
"You must think that the world is out to get you," he continued to open his mouth.

"Did you go to school?" I asked.
"Son, do you believe in God?" He asked.
"Who?" I asked.
"The almighty God," he said.
"I used to, wasn't he just a children's story?" I asked.
"Shame on you," he said.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"He's like a lawyer, you just need to tell him everything and he'll get you out of any mess," he said.
"That's very nice grandpa, I appreciate the advice but next time save it for someone who cares," I said as he packed in my driveway.

"Trust in him son, he is the remedy," he said as he gave me back the money I paid.
"Early gift for Christmas," he smiled.
"You're nuts aren't you?" I asked.
"If that means thank you then it's my pleasure," he drove off.
Some creepy grandpa, I'm starting to wonder if he's allowed to drive at that age.
I found dad eating dinner and the electricity was back on.
"Eating dinner without me?" I asked.
He just glared at me and got back to his macaroni and cheese. That's all he can make.

"I guess we're back to the silent treatment, it was nice talking to you by the way," I grabbed a bottle of water and headed upstairs.
I went to the med cabinet to get some pain blocks for my headache. I looked in the mirror and the old man words were in my head.
I haven't eaten the whole day and I went straight to bed.
You know that feeling you get when you feel like someone is watching you? I felt like that throughout the night even when I listened to music with my earphones. It never shook the feeling.

I made sure that the alarm was on because I decided that I'm going to school tomorrow with or without a school bag.


The alarm rang and surprisingly I was half awake. So getting up was not an issue. I hate school, I hate teenager's, I hate teacher's it's even worse because it's a private school. Everyone is trying to council you. Can they just mind their own business. I'm sick of them!

After showering I felt refreshed and ready to go to that hell hole.
I got downstairs and made a quick cereal.
Before I closed the door I imagined all the things I would have done if I didn't have to go to school. Epic things like inviting some buddies over to smoke pot, play video games, order pizza and of course a stripper.
I was living a life for the past couple of weeks but I really need to graduate  from high school.

And get a one way ticket to a good life because I can't live off my dad anymore. It would be about time for him to cut his loses and disown me for good this time because he has tried in the past but failed miserably.
He just can't get enough of me though I wouldn't say he loves me but I think he's trying to keep his promise he made with mom and that is to never ever turn his back on me.
Promises hey, people take them for real, I mean they are just promises for crying out loud. That's why I don't promise people anything.

I got into my car and drove to school, I left home early so that I could clear things out with the receptionist and the principal.
I value education, that's one thing I believe in. It can really get you out of misery, take you places and make you live the life you deserve and I deserve to be a king. Royalty runs through my veins. Realizing that I don't have a phone, I must make a u-turn or something and go to buy a new phone. But I'm going to be late. Nah I'll probably tell someone to get one for me.

West Ivory High School! I own this school, this is my school, even with the rules I seem just seem to make my way to not bend but break them and they just don't say anything.
This is my kingdom and I just want to announce that their king has returned. For good? I don't know it'll depend on how many hot new chicks are here.
I parked my car in the teacher's reserved parking lot.
Home sweet home.

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