Chapter 43: The Trial Of Rebekah Mikaelson

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I returned from the shared illusion I had placed on Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah. I was shaken by the memory Klaus had chosen to show Elijah.

"What's wrong?" Cami asked as I returned to her. "Klaus already kill Rebekah?"

"No" I said shaking my head. "Mikael uh—I just had forgotten how evil that man was. He was Satan in the flesh. He was so cruel to him, no one else, just him. He didn't particularly like me, and he was not kind to the others, but the treatment that Nik received, was one no one should have to receive. Especially not a child."

"Can I see?" She asked.

"Depends, how comfortable are you with kissing a girl?" I asked her and her face reddened.

"I—uh—um—well." She stuttered as she fidgeted about nervously.

I chuckled and pulled her towards me with a smirk. I got close enough so that our lips were centimetres away from one another. "Just kidding. I only need to hold your hands, Little Miss Vanilla."

She let out an embarrassed laugh and gave me her hands. I mumbled a spell and she was given an insight on the memory shared between Nik and Elijah.

"Oh my gosh." She said, still blushing but also clearly horrified by Mikael's treatment of him. "No one should ever have to go through that. I get why he's such a dick now."

"Come on, we have all these to go through." I said gesturing to the pile of books Cami had brought with her. I had asked her to bring books on hexes so we could see if there was anything we could do about her uncle's hex.

"Let's do it" She said smiling hopefully.


The two of us searched through the books for hours looking for anything that was about a hex like Kieran's.

"Find anything?" I asked her, I needed to go back and check on the Mikaelsons and ensure they weren't killing each other.

"No" She said throwing the books away from her. "This is useless!"

"You don't know that" I said trying to reassure her. She rolled her eyes and looked at her buzzing phone.

"Fiore" She said gasping. "Davina—Davina's alive again." I looked back at her in shock and realised what happened.

"Elijah killed Sabine-leste or whatever her name is, last night. She must have been the one who hijacked her power." I said smiling. "You need to go see her! Right now!"

"What about Kieran's hex?" She said looking back at the books.

"I'm still here, I can't leave unless I undo the boundary but no point right now" I told her. "Go, she needs to see familiar faces, please! Tell her I'm here and as soon as I'm free I'll come see her." Cami nodded and reluctantly started to leave.

"Okay, but keep looking for ways to save Kieran." She said as she made her way for the door.

"I will" I assured her. "Oh and Cami? Tell her I'm sorry."

~Cami POV~

Cami arrived at the attic of the church to check up on the newly resurrected Davina at Fiore's request. Davina sat up in her bed looking dishevelled and disoriented.

"Davina?" Cami rushed to her bed and hugged her. "Marcel told me you were up here; I came to check up on you. Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

"I died Cami" Davina said crying. "And at first, I was alone, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me. The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again. Where is Fiore? She said she would be here—she said she would help me. She said when I woke up, she would be there for me. She lied Cami, she lied! She's just like the rest of them!"

"No Davina, Fiore wanted to be here. She sent me to come look after you" Cami said stroking her hair. "I promise; she would be here if she could but she's trapped in the cemetery."

"I'm so scared Cami." She said sobbing.

~Fiore POV~

The trial of Rebekah Mikaelson had begun, Klaus stood up against Elijah and Rebekah, who was trying to defend her actions. Nik was furious, but Rebekah stood firm in her actions, she knew why she had done it. She had seen him become someone else, someone that hurt her. But he also had his reasons; he genuinely wanted to protect her, but she couldn't see that. All she saw was a hateful person that denied her the freedom to love, despite having the freedom to do so himself.

"What happened to you?" Rebekah asked him. "I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts, who loved art and music. The one who had eyes for only one and would never do anything to try and hurt her, the one who stood against Mikael in her name. I wanted to be just like you. I wanted to have a heart as big as yours, to be as brave and resilient as you were. How could you have fallen so far?"

"You say you despise Rebekah for her betrayal, and yet no one has stood by your side for so long, not myself, not even Fiore." Elijah told him, he had his own memory he wanted to share.

Mikael had caught Klaus whittling these chess pieces that he loved making, but he only had Mikael's hunting knife at his disposal. He had beaten him brutally and mercilessly; Elijah was certain that Mikael was going to kill him that day.

"Father, please" Elijah pleaded with Mikael, begging him to leave Klaus alone who was on the floor, agonising over the whip lashes being inflicted on him by his father.

"STAY BACK" Mikael roared. He was going to return to beating him when Rebekah ran into the room, holding Mikael's sword in her hands, aiming it at her father.

"Stop!" She shrieked. "I will not let you hurt him anymore!"

"You would stand against me?" Mikael asked in disgust. "For him?" When Rebekah refused to back down, he angrily grabbed the sword from her hands and left him. She searched the whole village for hours, trying to find me just so I could help him and heal his wounds.

"So, you would paint her as a loyal sister, but she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel. Perhaps that was why you did it-- for love. Perhaps I might temper my rage if Rebekah will admit she was a victim of her own idiocy. That her great love, Marcel, used her to oust this family and to take my city." Klaus said looking expectantly at her.

"I was not manipulated by Marcel, Niklaus" She told him, clenching her fists. "We loved each other, it was your refusal to respect our love that led to your ruin."

"You defend him, and yet you can't help but wonder, what if I'm right?" Klaus said smirking. "If he loved you so much then why didn't he chase after you when you fled New Orleans? Oh, yes! That's right. He was here stealing what I built!"

"You want me to renounce Marcel and beg your forgiveness?" She said starting to lose her temper. "I will not. I called Mikael, not Marcel."

"Rebekah—" Elijah tried to steer her in the right direction but she refused, she was going to finish what she had started.

"I was the one who brought him to New Orleans because of your wickedness! I wanted love and happiness, and you denied me the freedom to have either." She shrieked. "Yes, I hated feared of our father, but he was a lesser evil than you. My bastard brother who loomed over me, threatening me as you are now. I wanted rid of you, and given the choice, I'd do it again!"

For someone trying to save herself, she did the complete opposite. Klaus lunged for Rebekah, the stake seconds away from her heart but Elijah tackled him and removed him from her. He grabbed the stake from him and was now in possession of both the blade and the stake.

"Rebekah, run away" I forced her to leave and she fled, leaving Klaus and Elijah to return to their former state. Klaus hadn't listened to Rebekah, so he was going to have to take on Elijah.

A/N: How cute is Cami when Fiore was like I have to kiss you???? All the #Fami feels!!!

Leave a comment telling me who your favourite Fiore ship is because despite her being a Klaus love interest, I keep shipping her with everyone. There's Kol, Damon, Jeremy and now Cami!

Also vote and follow me, plus spread the word! Hope you enjoyed this! Love you as always! X

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