Chapter 2: Jane Bond

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I walked back to the plantation and found some trucks parked outside—movers. I looked on as Elijah and Rebekah looked at the movers taking things into the truck. It was about bloody time, I didn't know why they had even chosen to live in the blasted place, it was a slave plantation for goodness sake and it only brought back painful memories.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT" I heard Rebekah shriek. "I PAID FOR THAT" I laughed and realised that they weren't moving, their belongings were being taken away.

"Please, as if you ever paid for anything in your life" Elijah scoffed.

"Does it matter?" Rebekah stropped. "Nik's just punishing us!"

"Of course this is Nik's doing" I chuckled as I walked into the plantation, making Elijah and Rebekah aware of my presence.

"Fiore, you're back home" Elijah said smiling cautiously at me.

"Do not call this my home." I snapped. "And I assume Klaus did as he said and left for the compound? Along with the wolf. Hm. I wonder just how vindictive Klaus is feeling, maybe enough to hurt your precious Hayley to spite you? Fear not" I said smiling at my two worrisome former siblings. "Klaus might punish Hayley, but I assure you, he will not get your belongings"

"You'll get them to stop?" Rebekah said with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh no, I'll do something better." I turned in the direction of the workers and compelled them all. "You will all take the properties into my new home."

"You said you wouldn't let them take it!" Rebekah shrieked.

"I actually said I wouldn't let Klaus have it, but now I want it. Just to spite you" I said smiling at them. "After all, this is a minor offence in comparison to what you did for wolf girl."

"Fiore, we are sorry for what we did in the name of Hayley" Elijah said sombrely. "But it is in the past and we cannot undo it, so please forgive us and let us return to when we were a family."

"You cannot be serious?" I cackled. "You think that you Mikaelsons are a family? What you are is a club of dysfunctional misfits, that cannot even tolerate one another. You are practically enemies if not for the fact that you share a bloodline and on occasion have been known to be allies. You're an unholy alliance, not a family. So you can take your weak apologies and use it on someone that actually cares."

~Cami POV~

Cami walked into Rousseau's for her shift and found Fiore doing exactly what she said she would be doing, flirting with customers, getting called endearing nicknames by creepy men but more importantly, she was gathering secrets. Fiore caught her gaze and beamed at her, making Cami's heart skip a beat. She didn't know what it was about her but she really admired her, she wanted to know her.

"Well aren't you just taking over the bar?" Cami said smiling as she went to the back and put on her work clothes.

"I told you I would. Having a job is so much fun, I don't know why people complain about it so much" Fiore answered with a smile.

"Maybe because it pays just a bit more than volunteer work" Fiore laughed and Cami lit up, she was happy that she had made her happy.

"You look quite nervous Camille" Fiore asked her with a strange look. Cami went red and Fiore erupted into laughter. "You look positively crimson."

"It's nothing" Cami had said quickly, still blushing profusely against her will.

"Alright, I'll back down" Fiore said still giggling. "I need your help with something. I keep hearing whispers about this guy, Marcel—do you know anything about him?"

Enigmatic Beginnings: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {3}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin