Chapter 4: A Temporary Truce

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~Cami POV~

Cami started packing her belongings, ready to leave New Orleans. She hadn't told her roommate or her uncle, she wasn't even completely sure why she was leaving. She just knew that she had nothing left to stay for. Then there was a knock on the door and she answered, still in a haze.

"Cami" There was a teenage girl standing at her doorstep clearly upset but she had never seen her before. "Marcel has been lying to me, I can't trust him."

"Do I know you?" she asked in confusion. The girl let herself in and closed Cami's door.

"You've been compelled" The girl said.

"Sorry, I don't know you and if you're looking for Fiore she isn't here" Cami was beginning to get worried about the stranger standing in her living room.

"I'm here for you" the girl told her. "I can fix you, don't worry. But it'll hurt" The girl splayed her hands out and Cami started to feel an agonizing pain. She cried out but the girl just kept apologizing and apologizing and all she knew, was that she wanted Fiore to come and save her.

~Fiore POV~

I waited for Cami to fall asleep before doing something I had been putting off since I came here. I drove to the cemetery in silence, blocking out all the noise that was around me. I started to dig the grave plot, I needed to make it big enough for two caskets.

"I thought I might find you here. Need help?" I turned and saw Klaus standing beside me with a shovel in hand.

"If I needed help, I would've asked you." I grumbled.

"I think if you needed help, you would do the opposite." I stopped digging for a moment and turned to glare at him.

"Is it too much to ask that I bury my parents in peace?" I was glaring but I was genuinely upset and he could see right through me.

"I'm not here to fight you, Blossom." Klaus said with a long sigh. "I'm here so that you aren't alone. You don't have to forgive me, just a temporary truce." He waited for a response and when I didn't give him one, he started to dig. I followed in his footsteps and we both dug until there was enough room for both coffins. We placed them both in the grave plot and covered them over with dirt.

"I wish they didn't have to die alone" I said as a tear trickled down my face. "I wish I could've had a proper service for them filled with tons of people. I wish that they didn't die without anyone loving them but each other."

"But they didn't. You loved them" Klaus brought me into a hug whilst I desperately avoided breaking down in his arms.

"Yeah, and I killed them." I pulled away from him and wiped by my eyes. "Thanks, but you can go now. I'm just going to have a small service on my own." I said a spell and it started to pour down from the sky.

"I'm not going anywhere" Klaus said shaking his head vehemently. It was only then that I noticed he was in a black suit. He was here for the funeral.

"Why are you even here?" I grumbled.

"I'm here for you" Klaus walked over to me and put his hand around my waist. "And I'll always be here for you. You can hate me until the world implodes on itself but even then you'll still have me. You will never get rid of me, like it or not." He paused and before I could talk, he'll called out to someone else. "You're late"

"Well we were practically here and all of a sudden it started pouring buckets of rain." I turned back and Rebekah and Elijah walked up, dressed in black with 4 umbrellas in hand.

"What good is a funeral without funeral weather?" I mumbled bitterly.

"We thought you might appreciate one of these" Elijah passed the umbrellas out and we stood in front of the grave plot together. "And these" Elijah gestured for some people to come and they placed headstones over the grave plot.

"Thank you" I mumbled in shock, this was much better than any apology would ever be.

"We're a family, Fiore" Rebekah stood on my right and squeezed my shoulder. "We're dysfunctional and hateful and distrustful but we're a family nonetheless and we love each other. One last surprise" A priest came and started the burial service and I found myself smiling. Despite everything I had done to them and had planned to do to them, they were still here for me. Klaus took my hand in his and squeezed. We stayed in that position throughout the whole funeral and even though my parents weren't with me, I knew I wasn't alone and I never would be. I had Elijah, Rebekah but most importantly—I had Klaus.

I heard one last voice say one last thing.

"Thank you Fiore"

It wasn't the voice of anyone with me, it was Silas, it was my father.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is actually one of my all time favourite chapters! As always please vote and comment, I always reply. Also follow me, I follow back! X

Enigmatic Beginnings: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {3}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz