Chapter 62: Partial To The Classics

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"Bonnie! It's Fiore." I said as my friend answered the phone.

"Hey Fiore! Sorry can't talk right now, I have a lot of things to deal with." She answered worriedly.

"Judging by your tone, I'd say we have the same issue. What's happening?" I asked.

"The Other Side, it's unravelling and all the spirits inside are taking out their revenge while they can." She grumbled.

"You mean Kol?" I chuckled.

"No actually." She said in a slight confusion. "Haven't seen him. But don't worry we're working on it, last resort is that we bring our friends out and say goodbye to the other side."

"You're the anchor, Bonnie. The other side imploding does not bode well for you" I told her worriedly.

"I know, but I'm already dead. I'm ready." She replied bravely.

"You're a strong girl, Bonnie Bennett." I said sadly.

"Don't have to tell me twice." She said with a bittersweet chuckle. "That all?"

"One last request." I told her. "Have you seen Silas by any chance?"

"Yeah, he helped us actually. I think time on the other side gave him some weird wise perspective."

"Okay, well is it possible that when you're saving your friends, you save him along with them?" I asked hopefully.

"Anything for you. He's coming over soon actually, just in case, you know..."

"I know." I said, refusing to let her finish the sentence the worst sentence of my life. "Okay Bonnie, it was nice knowing you, while it lasted."

"You too."

"So Genevieve is telling the truth?" Klaus asked as we headed for the courtyard where she was.

"Apparently." I said, rubbing my temples in stress. "Okay, you know what to do?"

"Always." He opened the door for me glaring as we met with Elijah on the balcony.

"She's right... more or less. It's imploding. I made a call to a prepped for death Bennett witch in Mystic Falls who said the same thing. The dead are being torn away into nothingness. And, they're not interested in going quietly." I told Elijah

"So, you're saying that our father, faced with permanent extinction, has decided to spend his remaining tormenting us? How delightful!" Elijah said grumpily.

"I've never been so glad to not included." I said with a smug smile.

"Well, on the plus side, we'll soon be rid of his abhorrent soul forever. And what a good riddance that will be!" Klaus said exactly.

"So, am I in the clear, Elijah? Fiore? Or is there a new conspiracy you two would like to threaten me over?" Genevieve said angrily.

"Nothing springs to mind at this precise moment." I said smiling fakely at her.

"Thanks" She said rolling her eyes and walking to Klaus. "I have to get back to the girls. Perhaps tomorrow, after the funeral, you and I could spend some time together. Alone?" She said smirking at me whilst I glared back.

"We'll see" Klaus said as she sighed in annoyance and left.

"Tell me you two have concocted a stronger method to control the witch by playing hard-to-get?" Elijah said shocked as Nik walked up to me grinning.

"What can I say? I've always been partial to the classics"

A/N: Cute 'lil cameo from BonBon over in Mystic Falls! Keep Silas in your prayers and just hope that Bonnie is able to bring him out from the other side! Also, YEAH EVERYONE AGAINST GENEVIEVE I AM ONBOARD!

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Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry it's such a short chapter, mostly because the last one was a bit longer! Love you as always! X

Enigmatic Beginnings: A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story {3}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant