Chapter 23: A Litter of Dead Bodies

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Klaus stood at the top of the balcony looking down at all the vampires that stood below him, waiting for him to address them. I sat behind him, wary of how my husband was going to handle the situation and by the looks of things Marcel, who sat beside me, had the same idea.

"Not long ago, you all united against me. You failed." Great start. "Since then, in my benevolence, I have wiped the slate clean. Yet, it seems clear you think that I am the one who needs to earn your respect, your loyalty. You're mistaken. It is you who must prove yourselves to me. Our community is under attack. I require soldiers. I need warriors, not cowards. Each of you has a decision to make. You either fight alongside me or you leave now."

"We don't owe you jack" Thierry called out to him. I rolled my eyes at the insolent fool's sentiment but nonetheless, allowed Nik to handle the situation as he saw fit. "If staying in the Quarter means living under your rule, I'd just as soon get the hell out." He turned around a handful of the vampires left but the majority still remained. Marcel and I looked slightly shocked but Nik seemed abundantly pleased with himself.

"That will be all" He said smiling down at them before leaving for the study with Marcel and I.

"I gotta admit, I thought you'd lose a lot more guys than that" Marcel said smiling at him impressed.

"Well good riddance to them I say" He replied grinning from ear to ear. "We've no room for slackers or cowards in our kingdom."

I laughed and pecked him on the cheek. "Look at you all cheerful! Everything looking up Mikaelson. But how about we move on to the next item of business i.e. Sophie?"

"I've got no reason to help any of you" The witch said glaring at us.

"Don't be so difficult love. You'll only live for as long as you're useful to me" Klaus said smirking at her. "And right now, your best use is to explain why I witch I killed has come back for revenge."

"It's the Harvest" She reluctantly answered, rolling her eyes as she did. "To die and be reborn. I don't know how, but someone jacked that power, and they used it to bring back four witches... Just not the right ones."

"So there's still a chance to bring back Davina?" I said lighting up along with Marcel.

"We'll get back to that but right now, the immediate problem is that Papa Tunde wants revenge." Klaus said bringing us back into his plans. "He'll continue to attack us, channelling power from the vampires he sacrifices. He kills, he grows more dangerous. So how do I end him? He needs sacrifices to gain power."

"You can stop him from killing any more nightwalkers for a start" Sophie snapped.

"Oh crap on a stick" I said as I came to the realisation. "What do you bet he's found the one place where there's a load of vampires sitting around ready to be sacrificed?" Klaus, Marcel and I fled to the garden but we were too late. All the vampires had been sacrificed by Tunde, the garden was just a litter of dead bodies. We were in for one trip to the Hell and back. A lot more literally than I would've liked.


"I don't know why we're all sitting around a table when there is a resurrected witch on the loose that will gladly sacrifice us all" Klaus grumbled as he, Marcel, Elijah, Rebekah, Hayley and I sat on a table together.

"Because Nik" I told him. "It's nice to eat as a very dysfunctional family together every now and then."

"Okay, but why is Hayley here?" Klaus said looking at me warily.

"Because she's dinner" As I said this, everyone turned to look at me in fear and I rolled my eyes. "It was a joke, guys. I make jokes. We're not eating Hayley. Hayley is here because she's having your child, she's my distant relative, and today she committed a very heroic act." I said smiling at her.

"Well if we're having a family dinner, let's make it interesting at least. Starting with you Fiore." Rebekah said looking at me with a smirk. "Elijah tells me that you're a now a ghost whisperer too."

"What?" Klaus said staring at me looking completely dumbfounded.

"Not really. I can read minds, and the Other Side isn't a barrier to that. So I can read the minds of ghosts on the Other Side." I said shrugging. "And no Davina isn't there Marcel, I'm sorry."

"Okay let's talk to...Esther" Rebekah said looking at me expectantly.

"First off, ew" I replied. "Secondly, Esther is on the ancestral plane. Try again"

"Finn?" She tried.

"No way"

"Tatia?" Elijah tried. I reluctantly nodded but nevertheless focused on her thoughts and heard her.

"Oh dear Elijah, she had some very choice thoughts about you." I said shaking my head at him. "Also probably best to not ask about an ex when your new squeeze is here."

"Stop with all this rubbish" Nik said grumpily. "How about we kill Tunde and then we talk to him on the Other Side?"

"Stop being so frowny Nik! We're having fun!" I told him.

"To be honest, it's not like you Mikaelsons have any friends on the Other Side." Marcel said chuckling. "Didn't you kill like half of them there?"

"Okay, okay how about Kol?" Rebekah asked to Marcel's ire.

"I can do that" I focused in on his thoughts and heard him speak. My eyes widened in horror as I heard what he had to say.

"What's he saying Blossom?" Nik asked me worriedly.

"If this is a joke Kol, it isn't funny" I screeched, shaking my head and beginning to sob as he spoke again.

"What is it?" Nik got off his seat and knelt down beside me, trying to get the truth from me, but I couldn't say the words. I couldn't say what it was.

"Kol said— "

A/N: What do you think Kol said? Honestly, the next chapter is actually the saddest chapter I ever had to write, come to think about it, the next few chapters are like that so sorry in advance...

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