the consequence of his actions

Start from the beginning

"Yeah", Cole agreed. "I'm not in the mood today"

"Why not? Just because sensei Wu is not present at the moment doesn't mean that we can pause our training", the nindroid stated.

"That's exactly why, my friend", Cole said with a smirk.

Zane just stared at them in disappointment before he left, looking for someone less lazy to spar with.

"Is it just me or did he look kinda mad about what I said?", Cole asked slightly worried.

"Yeah, he will also seek revenge and kill you for it, Mr. Paranoid", Kai joked with a chuckle which earned him a glare and a punch in the arm.

Kai cursed a little before Jay walked up to them and sat on the floor between the two. It seemed like his daily chat with Nya was over.

"What's up with Lloyd? Like sharpening your sword all the time is not normal", he whispered.

"I dunno, distraction?", Kai said with a shrug.

"Why don't you go and ask him then?", Cole taunted.

"You got to agree that it's kind of creepy", Jay whispered and crossed his arms.

"Oh shut up, are you gonna be paranoid too?"

Time skip: late morning

Cole wasn't with them for breakfast today, which was new since Zane made breakfast. After breakfast Kai decided to do what Jay couldn't; ask Lloyd about his sword obsession.

"Hey Lloyd!"

"Hm?", he turned to Kai who approached him and stopped to sharpen his sword. If Kai pushed him slightly Lloyd would fall off the Bounty, so close he sat on the edge. "What do you want?"

"Why are you sharpening your sword?"

"It got blunt from yesterday", Lloyd simply answered.

Kai gave him a confused look. "Wh-?"

Before he finished Zane came and told them that Nya wanted to talk to all of them. Kai was happy to see that Nya seemed okay, but something bothered her he could tell.

"Hi guys!", she greeted with a smile from the screen in the bridge where they currently were. The ninjas greeted back. "How're you doing?"

"We're fine, but Cole has been missing since this morning", Zane told her. Her nervous smile disappeared from her face as she told them that they should look for him.

"He may be somewhere around New Ninjago City", she said and they were on the go.

Kai was just about to follow his teammates before he turned around. "Hey Nya, you ok?"

"I'm fine", she said nonchalantly but something told him otherwise.

"But how would you know where he is?", Kai asked suspiciously.

"Uh... It was just a guess!", she said frustrated. "Are you going to help the others or not?"

Time skip: noon

The more they searched for Cole, the more fear started to creep up at them making them unable to use their elemental dragons. At last they found him, just outside New Ninjago City dumped in a ditch.

"Cole!", they shouted and ran up to him, but it was too late. He was dead.

There were dried blood on his black hair and on the dirty ground, leaving a trail from the small road they walked in to the ditch. It seemed as his skull was slightly bent from the impact of an unknown weapon. His face was facing the ground and no one dared to move the corpse for more evidence.

Kai ran his hand trough his spiky hair as he stared at the dead body in shock and disbelief. 'I can't believe it. I can't believe that he's dead. No one would do that. No one is ABLE to do that, right?'

Who is the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it (1-10)?

Cole: this time we got a special request from Kittyundercover16, where she not only suggested detective/ victim, she practically invented the whole plot! Thank you for that!

Kai: downside for that is that you cannot participate since you already know the answer

Author: I COULD give you all a clue BUT I wanna see ya struggle :3

Kai: anyways-


(Question: did I update last month? I seriously can't remember...)

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