The end of Hio

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|Yuri pov|
It's was horrible!Today was supposed to be a good day..
I was horrified at how she knew...
"Now now little Yuri no need to be afraid~"This all started this morning..


"M/n wake up~"I said in a sing song voice while shaking him gently but he only groaned.why the hell is it so hard to wake him up on certain days!
Oh maybe I could tease him~
My face heats up as I think about what to I straddle his waist and made sure my ass was sitting above his manhood.
"M/n~I'm feeling kinda hot and bothered and I need your touch~"I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach.
"I can help with that"M/n voice came out low and husky and his other hand slides around my waist pulling me forward.
"That's nice..but now that i have you up,go take a shower and get dressed~"

"Hey!what the hell am I gonna do with this!?"he said pointing at the tint in his pajama pants.
"Deal with it in the shower~"he groans in irritation and makes his way to the bathroom.
I leave to the room to wake the others.
~Time skip~
I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast,after everyone finished getting ready they pile into the kitchen.
"M/n I haven't seen that face in a long time.."Yuuri said with giggle and sure enough when I turned around M/n was pouting cutely.
"Do tell what with the face?"Shiel said poking him.
"Because the love of my life got me hot and bothered,then tells me to deal with it myself..."Everyone started laughing at him.
"Oh yeah we're getting tattoos today~So any design in mind kitten?"
Icompletely forgot that he owns a tattoo parlor!

I'll tell you when we get to the tattoo parlor"

|M/n pov|
I remember that were now kinda far from the tattoo parlor so walking was out of the question.
"Alright,Shiel is riding with us will meet you guys there!"Victor nods and gets in the car with Yuuri.
I started driving and turned on the radio and F/s[Favorite song] came on,Me and Yuri burst out singing.
"You guys are so weird.."

"And that what makes up perfect for each other~"

"Makes sense."The ride was filled with laughter and singing any song that came on the radio,however something wasn't right and I looked to my left to see that a car ran the red light in the inter section.I speed up but the car hit the side of ours,making us spin out of control
I need to get them out of the car!
My eyes flew F/c and they where transported out and somewhere save because the next thing that happened could kill me!

Another car was in the way and when I hit it both car flipped over.
"*cough*S-shit..I can't move..."
I could taste the blood in my mouth,hell I could feel in it running down my face..and not only that I can smell gasoline.
"M/n hold on!"I could see shiel and Yuri run over.
"H-hurry...."My vision was getting blurry..

|Yuri pov|
We manged to get him out and away from the car.
"I'm so happy that worked~"It was Hio and she had a gun at the back of my head.

Flashback over

" don't have to do this..."
I held M/n close to me,he unconscious at the moment and she tazed shiel until he passed out...
"I do!it's the only way I can be happy~"Hio said looking down at us.
Honestly I didn't know what to do I was terrified because M/n is losing blood and Shiel doesn't look like he's breathing and on top of that their innocent bystander and she crazy..
She went on ranting about blowing up up the whole intersection,so I started mouthing the words call the police to a woman was not to far from us.

I started digging in my pocket
Nothing!this sweater is bound to have something in it!!!!
I had M/n sweat and knowing him he keeps a dagger in it at all time after that incident when He almost got almost got mugged trying to get me some soup.

Thankfully there was two!
One as distraction and the other to stab her with...push her into the car that's coming...Deep beneath.
Soon as I threw the first dagger it hit the gun and knocked it out of her had and I rushed at her,push the second one into her side.
"Have fun getting hit by the car!!!"
I shoved her as hard as I could.

She was sent flying like a rangdoll.
I looked at the driver to see...VICTOR!
"Holy shit we hit Hio!!!"

"Good job.."They looked at me like I was crazy.
"What if she's dead!?"

"Trust me,she's been stabbed three times and limped away.."

"I hit her with a car!"

"She's fine."Yuuri and victor kept freaking out and thats when I remembered.

"Miss did you call the police!?"
She nods and I could hear sirens blaring.
~mini time skip~
We were at the hospital and M/n along with Shiel were getting patched up but M/n need a blood transfusion..I ended up with a gash on my hand,but everything is fine...
"Looks like my tiger saved the day~"

"You should be sitting down.."I said with a worried tone.He grabs my hand and leads me to his room.
And pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to me.

"So I found the right words for our tattoo I just need some type of image to go with it!"He with a burst of energy,it made me smile

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"So I found the right words for our tattoo I just need some type of image to go with it!"He with a burst of energy,it made me smile.
"How about a crown?"

"That's perfect because you are my queen~"he kissed the back of my hand.
"And you my king~"We shared a loving kiss and heard gagging sounds.
"Did you guys forget I'm also in the room and currently single as a Pringle,so bring the lovey dovey shit down?"

"Oh shiel your awake!"I started laughing when shiel gave M/n a Death glare.

|No ones pov|
Hio was indeed fine but put in jail and the group was notified making thing better foe them.
"No more hio!"M/n said pulling Yuri into his lap.

"That's a relief,now we don't Have to watch our backs 24/7 and more importantly we can focus on planning a wedding~"Victor said nudging M/n.
"Not only that,we need to find someone for shiel!"Yuuri said poking shiel forehead.

"If your going to do that make sure their not crazy because I don't think my body can take being tazed!!"Shiel said in a matter of fact tone.Everyone made a mental note of that.
~Time skip~
After M/n and shiel were discharge from the hospital,the lovey family went home.
Yuri changed into one of M/n shirt and got into bed with M/n.He didn't have a shirt on but he had shorts on.
"Yuri~"M/n climbs on top of his Uke and starts kissing his neck making the Blonde Uke moan.
"W-ah-what I-if they hear us~"M/n smirk's against his skin.
"The walls are thicker than you think~"
Let's just say it was a long,love filled night for them~

To be continued~
[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!It's been awhile...I finally got rid of Hio,so now the story line is gonna get more adorable because it's near it end and for people that noticed what I did a few chapters age*cough,cough*the
Mention of Children!
And not only that you'll learn more about the your genetic change and how it causes the surprise to happen.
Ja Matane~]


First love (Yuri Plisetsky X Seme!Malereader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora