scavenger hunt/proposal

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[A/n-Konnichiwa minasan!!!Oh my lord today is the big day for Reader-Chan and Yuri!this chapter might be a little bit longer.]

|Yuri pov|
I roll over expecting to snuggle with M/n but I heard the crinkle of paper.
"M/n?"I sat up seeing Hanami sleeping at the end of the bed.I pick up the paper and read what's on it.
"Morning my tiger I know your probably confused to why I'm not in bed this morning,here's the deal I need you to find some papers for me.Here's the first Question;
Where did we first meet and what was the nickname people gave me?
You have to travel there once you find out~
Love wolf🐺
I jumped up and put some clothes on and put food in Hanami bowl before running to the tattoo parlor.
"Hello do you have an appointment-Oh your the bosses Boyfriend!"A flamboyant guy said cutely.
"I have a feeling there's something in his station I need to get!"

"Go ahead Cutie!"nod and walk past getting hellos form the other workers.
I was looking around and I seen his display case and there's was a note.
"Found it!"The paper was folded and on the top it's said open me.
"Yuri,I'm assuming you found the paper and not Zeal!
But Im glad you remember the first place we met~
When I saw you I denied that I feel for you,I didn't want to get hurt again so I decided just to stay friends but look at us now~ time for the second question;What program did I perform and where did I do it,what happened after we ran."
"Ice Castle Hasetsu!"I yelled and ran out not before saying bye to Zeal.
It felt like a walk on memory lain.
I wounder what M/n is up too....
This morning was kinda lonely without him next to me in the morning.I make it to the rink.
"Yuko,have you seen a piece of paper anywhere?"

"Oh!so this must be for you I'm glade I got it from the girls."I thanked yuko and opened the paper.
"Axel,lutz,loop!put the paper back if you have it!
Yuri I'm happy you made it here~
Remember how surprised you were at how well I did the program!?
It made me happier that you kept  your eyes only on me~was that selfish.Remember the kiss I gave you and you chased me all the way to the tattoo parlor.That's when we bumped into Hio and you protected me from her and for that I'm truly grateful.Now time for the next question;Where was I raised and what room was I taken to when I passed out?"
I said bye to everyone.The loneliness was getting to me as I walked to the hot spring.
So much walking!wait why is the hot spring empty?!
The emptiness was bothering me as I made my way to his room.The note was on his room door.
"Don't worry Yuri today no ones has work,so relax Dear~
I woke up for a moment just to see you holding my hand,it was warm full of love.You told me that you liked me!I was happy but scared that I would hurt you.
How wrong was I,the day we made love was the happiest day of my life and after that I knew you belong with me💖
Next question;where was our first official date,what happened for you to get jealous and most of all what our main topic?"
Now that I think of it why was I jealous?I remember we spoke about having children some day but why did I get jealous?
It was like me feet moved on there own as I walked up to Big dango family shop.
"Today we have a discount for regular customer!"the voice caught my attention and out of nowhere I felt angry.Now I remember why I was jealous....Ryu that little-no calm down the next question might be in the shop,so I have to be nice....maybe.
To avoid any argument I tried to walk by fast as possible but that didn't work.
"Why if it isn't the short Blondy!"
Ryu said in a mocking tone.
"Let me guess you here to eat your feelings away because M/n broke up with you?"I just ignored him but I felt like being petty for a moment.
"I have a perfect boyfriend and relationship unlike you but last time I checked your probably still hitting on
Guy that don't want nor need you and it looks like you gain some pounds so invest in a gym!"I felt better as I walked in seeing a not on a plate.
I ran over and picked it up.
"Yuri I have a feeling you said something rude to the guy~
wish I was there to see the look on his face!I suppose you remember what you said the first time.
We talked about having a family together,we ate some good dangos
And played in the snow,silly how when I dropped you off I found our fur baby,it's still hard to believe that she's a panther!I was so happy I found something to live for.your the only person that know more about me than my own mother.
Last question;Where did we go after finding out that our fur baby is gonna be a big cat~
Your gonna love what's next."
What did he mean by next,he's taking me on memory lain but what is it for..

|M/n pov (Finally!)|
"Yuuri,is it normal to feel like my insides are gonna come out!?"

"Calm down N/n,no need to be worried."I was a nervous wreck at the moment.We're all waiting for Yuri to get here and everyone pitched in to help me.Today was busy.
Hanami rubs against my leg trying to comfort me.
I sent victor to get her now all we have to do is wait.
"M/n just breathe and relax."

"That's easy for you to say Kyo but I'm have a 50/50 percent of Yuri saying no!Oh god my chest feels tight!"
Everyone laughed at my panicking.
"Calm down hun"I jumped when I heard my mother's voice.
"I'll try okaasan..."it felt great to be on good terms with my family again.
With everyone here with me I started feeling better and I calmed down.
"He's here!"oh god I'm gonna panic!
"Remember how you really feel about him,use that to calm your nerves son!"Otosan gave me a slap on the back.I nod and Yuri opens the door.
"Hey guys what going on?"
Deep breath and relax~I walked over to him grabbing his hand and placed a key in his hand.

"It's a key to the houses and to my life.Let me sing something for you, yeah?"He nods and I step back.
~play song above~

I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dream
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive

Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side

Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky
Can't you feel my heart beat slow
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
Ooh, the good and the bad times, we've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall

Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side

Cause everytime we touch, (I feel this static 
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky)
Can't you feel my heart beat slow
I can't let you go
Want you in my life 

Everytime we touch, I get this feeling
Everytime we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side

Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky
Can't you feel my heart beat slow
I can't let you go
Want you in my life

~End of song~
At the end of the song I was now on one knee holding out a open box showing the ring.
"Yuri plisetsky,will you do me the honor of marring me!?"
I'm pretty sure you can hear my heart beat.Yuri had his hands over his mouth.
"YES!a thousand times yes!"I smiled and slipped the ring on his finger and he tackle's me to the ground.
"Y-Yuri are you crying!?"

"Of course baka!I'm so happy you asked me to marry you,I feel like this is a dream"Yuri said when he pulled back.I took this as a opportunity to kiss him.
"I'm pretty sure this isn't a dream,oh and welcome home Love~"
Everyone cheered in happiness.
This is the happiest moment of my in our life and nothing will ruin it.

To be continued~
[A/n-Yay!!!!!!Engagement!!!!!I said aww some many time while making this chapter!I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the fluff that came with it~ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Don't forget to comment on the story if you have any questions or you just wanna talk.Oh I'm thinking about making a sequel for this book called little history makers.It'll manly follow the children of reader-chan and Yuri along with victor and yuuri but I'll be made once this book is done.
Ja Mata ne!]


First love (Yuri Plisetsky X Seme!Malereader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora