Patricia And Paprika

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"Hey Casey Bear." My uncle looks back at me with his shotgun in hand. My dad passed out drunk in the tent from the many beers my uncle kept feeding him. He gives me a smile.

*End dream/flashback*

I open my eyes and am met with-
"Hello sleepyhead. I've made you a sandwich." Patricia says as she directs me to sit up. I look over to see Marcia sitting and holding her sandwich looking completely freaked out.
"I think I will brush that pretty hair of yours."

"Ok." She grabs a brush and starts.

"Eat." She says to Marcia without giving her a second glance. Marcia takes a bite. "Good?" She asks.

It's got Paprika in it she says taking her tongue between her teeth.

She hits a knot in my hair and I groan in pain. "Oh I'm sorry." I then feel her lean in and smell my hair. The moments over in a second when Patricia stands abruptly.

"Oh he comes out at the most inconvenient of times. Come now we'll have lunch in a proper setting." She motioned for us to come with her.

We all walked to the kitchen together. I sat down at the table while Patricia started making another sandwich.

"You know that tigers only have 30 teeth? That's 12 less than a dog. I thought that was a fun fact." She said as she turned some Asian music on.

Marcia motioned for me to look at her. She kept giving me "I've got a plan so go along with it" eyes. I kept mouthing no because it was horrible timing.

Then Patricia slammed the knife down on the counter. Oh god she knows somethings up.
"It's crooked uh please forgive me." She said as she starts to make another one. That's when Marcia slowly stands grabbing her chair. I'm mouthing "Marcia no" but she can't see me.

Then bang she hits him with the chair and he falls against the counter. Marcia runs out the back door and Patricia grabs the knife and goes to leave so I moved the table in front of her but she moved it back with ease.

"Go to your room and shut the door. Do it now." She spoke with a warning tone. So I ran back to my room and did as she said. I waited on the bed something to happen.

It wasn't until about 20 minutes later that I finally heard something, heavy footsteps and keys.

And in he walked Dennis.

"The dark haired girl she's going to be kept separate, all three of you. You may as well know at this point!" He says as he walks over and sits at the end of my bed. "The beast he's coming for you! All three of you. Y- you got a crumb on your shirt, please take off. Just take it off." He said with his head resting on his palm.

I took it off and he took it from me. Then he inched a bit closer and leaned in breathing heavily. His lips were on mine and I froze realizing now what I had to do. I had to pretend and then that way I could trick him into letting me out of here. So I gently kissed back. This surprised him so much that he stopped kissing me as if to see if this was really happening.

Then he resumed and pressed me down on the bed all the while clumsily groping my breast. But when he went to take off my last shirt next to my army green crop top I stopped him.

"Wait no. I can't." I said breathless. He searched my eyes but stood up and leaned against the bed.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I have impulses, voices I can't control. It's hard, it's so hard not to touch." He said with tears in his eyes and then he grabbed my jacket and walked out.

I sat there feeling ashamed and guilty but I knew what I had to do now and that it seemed like it wouldn't be that hard and that gave me some sense of security.

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