Chapter Two - Then It Clicked

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She found her way to the werewolf pack that wasn't that too far from her own territory, she came across this pack before in the past. Well, a more accurate description would be that they'd came across her before in the past. She doesn't understand why other werewolves hate her. When werewolves in the past crossed her territory, she attacks them and warns them but she'd never tried to kill them. But when she'd growl at them and warn them to get out of her territory, they'd attack her, the always attacked her. So obviously she had to defend herself but even then she always held back slightly as she had no intentions of killing them but they never stopped. They were relentless and in the end, she'd have to kill them in self-defence. She just doesn't understand why they hate her so much. Maybe they're able to sense that she's not a normal wolf, maybe they know who and what she is. Maybe they're able to sense that she's a freak of nature. Can they sense that she's an abomination?

No. She shakes her head to try and rid herself of those thoughts. She just hasn't fully adapted to her human body yet and so her emotions were all over the place and causing her to wallow in self-pity. She'll be fine and dandy in a moment when she's adapted fully. At least she hopes that she'll be fine. Focusing her attention on her surroundings, she sees a washing line with clothing on it. The young wolf looks around to briefly check that no-one is watching before darting forward, snatching clothing and then dashing back into the trees and out of their territory.

The young wolf wasn't stupid, the moment she stepped into their territory, she knew that the pack would be able to sense her. So, the quicker she could get away from their territory, the less likely that she'll be attacked. The small brunette chose a larger tree to stop behind so that she could quickly get changed. She decided to keep on Elijah's jacket on top her recently acquired clothing as it was comfy and she didn't want to leave it behind for some reason. After changing, the brunette decided to Swifty make her way through the Bayeux, and see what she could do for her whole day as a human.

Sometime later

The young wolf had found her way into the city and was wandering around what could only be described as a market area. There are stalls scattered around and humans swarming around like ants, she makes her way through the crowd being pushed around several times. She'd decided to remove her cloaking spell as she wanted her day of human experience to be as realistic as she can before she lives out the rest of her life as a wolf.

When her nose is hit with a scent, she snaps her head around to the stall across from her. She can't help but growl lowly as she recognises that scent to be the scent of a witch, within her life she'd came to realise that all creatures have different scents. Humans smell like fresh air, werewolves tend to smell like wet dog and vampires tend to smell like darkness. The young wolf knows that darkness isn't a smell but she has no other way of describing the smell of vampires, it's an alluring scent, one which would make some girls fall weak at the knees. Witches, however, have this earthly smell, which she has learned to hate, the bitterness of the dirt smell.

The woman behind the stall, seemed harmless enough but aren't we all different on the outside from the inside? She was wearing a long floral dress that didn't particularly suit her complexion, the young brunette will admit that she's pretty but witches are never as pretty on the inside as they are on the out. In her experience anyway. Not wanting to end up accidently biting the witches head off, the young wolf decides to walk away from the witch hastily, but she ends up knocking into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," She says quickly, hoping to get away before she actually looks a who she bumped into. Well, shit.

"It's alright love" Niklaus replies with a smirk, admiring her beauty as it isn't often that he see's a girl that pretty even without makeup. His smirk falters slightly when he realises that he recognises her scent, but he can't think from where exactly.

My secret wolf (Niklaus Mikealson) AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora