She nodded her head and let me in. She closed the door behind me and motioned me to follow her to her room. I followed her.

"What are you doing here ? " She asked folding her arms. Now, I could see the anger in her eyes. I felt so bad suddenly. I caused all these emotions. 

"I came to apologize." I answered giving her the gifts. She took them. She was fighting the smile that wanted to appear on her face, I could tell. She put the bag on her bed, then walked out the room with the roses and a couple of seconds later she was back with a flower vase. While she was putting the roses in it, I sat on her comfortable Modu-licious king bed. Pink sheet, with purple pillows and lila duvet. I took a look at her room. Still the same. The wall were white with some pictures here and there. Her dressing table was still across from the bed and between the window and her personal bathroom. Her closet always had one door slightly opened. A habit of her. Her black home computer desk was still next to the window and across from the closet with her Mac-Book on it. A simple room with simple colours, but very cleaned and illuminate with the sun outside that entered in the room through the window. 

After she was done with the flowers, she sat down on her bed next to me and looked in the bag. She pulled out the Chanel things first, then the chocolate and finally the teddy bear. Her lips formed a beautiful grin brightening her face immediately.

I knew she will like it. 

"I..I shouldn't even smile right now." She sighed and looked at me. "August, I'm really mad at you." She said with a straight expression. Damn, where was my smile at ?!

"I know and I am really really sorry. I know I'm not the best boyfriend and I have to do some effort. I'm gon' work on it, ma. I promise." I said honestly.

She sighed again. " already said that. You promised so many times, but you never kept these promises. Do I really mean something to you ? " She asked with water in her eyes.

"Yes." I responded.

"Why am I not believing you then ? "

"This time is different. I'm sorry. This morning I made some thoughts and I realized that I didn't treat ya right and that I have to do and be better. I had never been in a serious relationship before, so I didn't really know how to behave with ya. I took ya for granted and I was wrong fa having tought that. We're together since two years now and I don't wanna lose ya over my stupidity or anythin' else. I don't even understand why ya stayed with me, to be honest."

"I stayed because I love you, August. And I had hopes. I was hoping that you were going to change. I wanted to be happy with you. I couldn't see my life without you." She said and a tear fell on her cheek.

I wiped her face. "I..I can change. Just let me prove it to ya." 

"And, how are you gonna do that ? " She asked playing with her fingers.

"Uh..I'm gonna take ya out tonight. It'll be just ya and me and it's gonna be amazing." I answered confident.

She was surprised, but at the same time happy. I saw a little smile on the corner of her lips. "Really ? The last time we went out was the last year for our anniversary and there was this waitress who was flirting with you all night. How can I know if this time will be different and better ? " Damn ! I forgot all about this.

"I'll make sure of it, don't worry." I responded.

"Okay...But what am I going to wear and where are we going ? " She questioned standing from the bed. She was about to go in her closet to search an outfit when I stopped her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put her on my lap.

"Calm down, ma. I'll send all the details later, but now what about chillin' together ? "

She beamed and kissed me on the lips. Her soft and luscious lips. I could never resist to them. She pulled away, but I immediately brought her back and closer to me. I wanted to taste them a little bit more. I kissed her, then licked her lips for her to let me enter my tongue in her mouth and she accepted letting me slide between her lips. Once our tongues met, they started to wrestle. We had a makeout session for some minutes before my phone vibrated in my pocket to let me know that I had received a message. We pulled away allowing me to read the text message.

Shawn: ''Where are u at nigga ? We need u in the studio ! ”

I heard Kim sighed loudly. "I am sorry, but I have to go. Are ya still okay for the date tonight though ? " I asked hoping a good answer.

She nodded her head. I smirked and kissed her cheek. "See ya later bae." I was hoping that my time in the studio wasn't going to be too long, because I did need time to prepare this date. I wanted it to be perfect for Kim.

Love is a challenge...


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