Chapter 19 Birthday

Start from the beginning

I have my friends though, and my mom and even Sam, Agent Riley told me to call him that. Yes, he's still here. I think him and my mom might like each other, the glances they give each other sure look like it. Around 7 I decide to get out of bed and get into the shower.

I scrub myself almost raw again and wash my hair twice. This time just so I look good, it's my birthday I want to look nice. 

I get out of the shower and slip on a pair of shorts and a tank. I'm not getting actually ready for a while. I dry my hair and brush it out. By the time I'm ready, it's 8 and I can hear my mom and Sam down in the kitchen.

I grab Inkheart so I can finish it and walk downstairs, I pick up a throw blanket and curl up on the couch, I sit like this for a while until mom and Sam bring the food in. I put the book down and get up walking to the table. They made pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns, and chocolate chip muffins. We always made big breakfasts for birthdays when it was just me and my mom.

Everyone makes their plates. I get a little bit of everything. We eat and make small talk about the party, decorations, who's coming, food, and other things. When we finish eating I help clean up, seeing that I still have an hour before I get ready I decide to read outside in the sun

I grab my book and go outside to the patio, laying in a chair, reading.

After 45 minutes, I finally decide I need to get ready and walk up to my room. I put the book away. Then I get out my clothes. I'm wearing a plain black swimsuit, with jean shorts and a tank top.

I get changed and put my hair into a high ponytail. I put in a pair of starfish earrings, I make sure my locket is on right and then slip on my black flip flops. I walk downstairs. My mom and Sam are waiting in the living room.

"Are we ready?" Sam asks. "We still have to pick up the cake, decorations, and set up."

Me and my mom nod and we leave.




It took us a while, but we finally have everything set up. My party is beach themed, blue balloons, turquoise streamers, sand colored table clothes, beach themed cake, sandcastle pails with snacks in them, and leis for everyone to wear.

At 3 everyone starts showing up. A little bit after everyone arrives the pizza comes. Hawaiian is the main one but we also have a cheese and pepperoni for those who don't like pineapple.

Karla and Kayden are the first to arrive, Jess and Maria follow soon after. A few other kids from school arrive and finally Josh and Michael are the last to arrive. 

"Happy birthday Ivy." Maria and Jess tell me.

"Yeah happy birthday." Everyone else says.

"Thanks everyone! I'm glad you all came. The pool is open to use, there's food on the table. Enjoy yourselves!"

Everyone scatters, some go to the pool, some go to the food, and some lay on the chairs to tan.

I take off my tank and shorts and then jump in the pool. 

After a while we do the cake.

"..happy birthday dear Ivy, happy birthday to you." Everyone sings and I blow out my candles.

Then, we eat cake. I got a chocolate cake, it's amazing. After everyone's done eating, we play a few games in the pool. After a while everyone's tired of swimming so we do presents.

"Here." My mom says holding out a small box. "Open this first." I take the box and open it. Inside is a cute little sea turtle necklace and turquoise earrings to match. 

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