"Let's hope it's not the same one you put Edward through."

Alessia grasped one side of his cheeks with her thumb and index finger, squeezing the soft skin. She mimicked his foreign accent to the T with her next words. "Don't look so glum love, it'll work out soon enough. If anything, mate, she didn't put you through a wall."

That at least got a chuckle out of the man.


It's difficult to conceive that souls like Jacob Black and Alesia Cullen would have ever matched in anything... much less love but yet that seemed to be the most important similarity they had of one another. Their love was different, it wasn't a tidal wave of passion that crushed over their bodies and captivated their very wills until it was an unbearable pain they finally gave into. If there was anyone that could contradict their love it would be Bella and Edward, where they were an eruption of instantaneous actions Jacob and Alesia were the slow rivers of lava; slow and steady, something they wished to run from but ultimately fell a pair of glad victims too finally. In truth, the eventual couple were adamant that together they would cost more emotional turmoil then sanctity and at first they were more then right, but, as like lava it was a slow process that eventually left them cleansed and molded for new adventures.

Jacob Black led his red haired imprint through the woods, the two having spent the trek laughing and all around enjoying one another's company. It'd been a spur of the moment thought from the Alpha, something he hadn't entirely been meaning to do at all but trusted the sudden thought in his head.

As the snow began to stick to the ground and the December days began to dwindle down he'd seen the crease between Alesia's brows crease even further, a trait he didn't like to witness.

She was just finishing her talk with Kane when Jacob showed up. He'd wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her cold body into his own warmth and speaking into her hair. Alesia had raised her brows in question at the odd request but with a small bite of her lips had agreed. She'd nodded at her brother who had smiled at both of them and then followed Jacob out of the Cullen territory and into the woods where they'd trekked a few miles into reservations until they'd finally made it back to the Black residence.

"Remind me again, why are we here?" Alessia forgot about their prior conversation to look up towards Jacobs small home. It felt like another lifetime since her first visit here, things has changed so many times since then it was odd to thing she'd stood here a few months.

"Well, I don't think I've ever actually shown you me— my version of me." Jacob explained, tightening his hand over her petite one. It still felt so unreal to hold her hand, to know Alessia was as close as he'd always dreamed. Her bright smile was directed his way and yet again the spark of an illusion filled him.

"Hmm... well that's certainly an interesting way to speak." She said, hazel eyes boring into his own. "So tell me, what's this version of you do here?"

"Well for starters I don't spend a lot of time in there, well besides my sleeping but even that I do on occasion." He explained, pointing with their conjoined hands to the small shack. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it but since my sisters been back and Paul's over all the time, not to mention my dad it's kind of hard to find some peace there so since I can't find it there I find it in the shack."

"The shack?"

"Yeah," he released her hand to wrap it over her shoulders and place the other one behind her knees, lifting her straight into his torso. Jacob was careful not to walk to fast, she may have been agile but the mud was thick and she was wearing booted heels. A small gasp left her lips but Jacob silenced her with a kiss. "You'll like it, I promise."

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