My Ex Fiancee

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My Ex Fiancee

Kota's P.O.V

I didn't expect to see the woman who stole my heart sitting on my brother's couch injured. My heart broke just looking at her. I noticed the differences from when we were together to now. Her hair use to be ombre from brown to purple. She use to have a nose piercing and multiple ear piercings. The light that use to be in her eyes were gone. They were so dull compared to what they use to be. Her skin was still pale and gentle. I started counting to try and stop the pain in my heart.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...11 I always have to skip over 10.

I fell for her as soon as she turned around in class and said, "Would you give me a 10 or a 1?"

I didn't realize she was talking about cash for the fundraiser, but ever since then she has been 10. She has always been my 10. When she told me she had to marry someone else my world shattered. I haven't dated a single girl since. They guys never knew about her, because I was going to have them meet her when she left. I really didn't expect her to say I have a son. Looking at the boy, I can see he has my eyes, and Cynthia's natural hair color. She constantly dyes her hair and she likes it that way. She never much liked order, probably because of her past.

"My... Child?" I adjusted my glasses and sat down next to her and my son.

"Kota, I'm so sorry. My dad, he came back and I didn't have a choice. He would have killed you and I love you too much to let that happen." Cynthia flung herself at me sobbing on my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me we had a child?" I held her close, ignoring the looks from my brothers.

"Theo... Actually. I'm so sorry. I was just so afraid of what he would do to all of us." I clutched her to me and laid back pulling our son with us. So many emotions were flooding through my being. Sadness, betrayal, happiness, they were flooding my senses and my mind. Counting wasn't even helping. Slowly, her sobs stilled and I had a sleeping Cynthia and my son on me.

"Mr. Blackbourne can you take my place. I need a minute." Mr. Blackbourne nodded his head and took my place.

"Hey, you okay?" Dr. Green stood in front of me placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"No, I'm not okay! I love her so much! I was supposed to be married to her! I was suppose to help raise my child! She shouldn't have those bruises! God dammit Dr. Green!" Tears blurred my vision, "Doc, it was suppose to be me and her. She was my Mrs. Lee. She was mine." I let my self cry.

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