Chapter Five

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"So, how did we get out?" Pidge asked her brother.

"I mean, I am not sure myself," Matt answered stroking his hair back. "I mean, I remember being locked up in my cell when the Galra pumped this gas in the air, and everything went black. After that, I awoke here in this dessert with you."

"Interesting," Pidge paused. "Do you think we are on Earth?" She gazed around, and from first glance it did look like Earth. There was Cacti, dead shrubs, and rock mountains in the distance.

"No," Matt answered. "While you were still sleeping, I noticed that there are two suns. Something Earth doesn't have."

"Really?" Pidge asked kind of interested. "Where?"

Matt pointed in the distance to one sun. "Over there." Than he turned about 100 degrees to his left and pointed out another sun. "And one over there."

"Okay, so we are not on Earth." Pidge noted.

"Do you think we should wonder and search for shelter?" Matt asked. He hadn't done much past Kerberos, other than be a Galra prisoner, so he didn't know how to handle these situations.

"Well, I think we should head to the mountains. Once we reach there, we should try and find a way to contact Voltron." Pidge suggested.

"Voltron? I think I heard rumors of that in the prison. Isn't a group of giant robot lions who protect the universe?"

Pidge laughed. She didn't explain she was a part of Voltron. "Well, mostly. But let's focus on contacting them first."

"Yeah, let's go."

The mountains were quite a distance, but Matt and Pidge were determined to get there. While, they were walking, Pidge had explained how she got to space, Voltron, and her adventures. But while she was talking she kept addressing Shiro as Takashi, like she did as a child. Plus, that was how she addressed him in her journal, so it wasn't foreign to her.

Once they reached the mountains, they were able to find a spring, so they rehydrated themself. But while they were drinking, they noticed and entrance into the mountain.

"Hey, look! Shelter!" Matt exclaimed pointing towards the entrance.

"Be careful Matt, you don't know what could be in there." Pidge warned.

"Well, I know there is shade, and I am pretty sure those Suns won't let us have any out there."

"Fine." Pidge said as she grabbed her bayard. One thing odd was that the Galra left Pidge in her uniform and left her bayard on her. Honestly, this was suspicious, but maybe it was the doing of one of the Blade of Mamora.

"WHAT IS THAT!?" Matt exclaimed jumping a few feet away from Pidge.

"It's my bayard." Pidge informed. "My weapon as a Paladin."

"Can... I touch it?" Matt asked.

"I don't mind, but I am pretty sure you will receive an unpleasant surprise." Pidge said as she walked into the dark cave.


Keith felt tears fall down his face as he sat down by Shiro's door. He broke. He wasn't strong enough. Pidge would probably sit down next to him, lay her head on his shoulder, and say "You're such a baby." if she saw him like this.

Why now? Why now was he broken with the loneliness inside? Why not when he was kicked out of the Garrisons? Why couldn't he just deal with it like he did then?

He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to the owner and saw Shiro. He finally came out.

"I'm sorry, Keith." Shiro said, his voice sounding like it was going to crack. "I'm sorry I failed her. I am sorry I failed the team. I am sorry I failed you." Tears were forming in his eyes.

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