| file 2 | the hacker

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Next one is out :)


There was a knock on the door and the director sighed as he moved the driver's file to the side and picked up a different folder.

"Come in." He said in an annoyed tone and Mr. Kang peeked his head in.

"The girls are on their way, they should arrive soon." Mr. Kang answered never fully stepping into the room and the Director hummed in approval.

"Good. Organize the ammunition room, they are going to need supplies." He ordered and Mr. Kang nodded stepping out of the room quickly and heading down the long expanse of the hallway.

The director immediately opened the next file, taking a look at the picture and carefully reading the what was in the folder.

She hacked the pentagon? He thought to himself and then smirked when he read the discussion, it made sense... she was from the US.


Profile: The Hacker

Profile: The Hacker

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Name: Lia Choi.

Nicknames: SunShine

Birthdate: December 2, 1997

Age: 19

Height: 168cm

Weight: 119 lbs

Blood type: A

Personality: A strong girl who is playful and smart. She knows her way around any device. She has a great smile and she loves to chill with her group. She loves to play jokes but is serious most of the time. You can never underestimate her. She'll know your exact location in a second.

Background: Lia was born into a rich wealthy family. She was the youngest child in her family. She was always picked on by her family and peers. She's always been into computers. Whenever you'd see her, she's always on her laptop, typing at a fast speed. She never had much friends so she was always alone. Her family was was never really around, and she craved their attention. She became really good with electronics and began hacking for fun.

The director frowned turning the page and continued reading the comprehensive report of the groups hacker. The trainer had rated her abilities.

Time at the agency as a Hit Man: 2 years

Fighting skills: Average

Type of weapon: Pistol, knives

Reason for entering the company:
Subject had wanted to get away from her old life and do something that she enjoyed doing like handling computers and other devices. She wanted to erase the goody two shoes reputation she had and become someone that people will never forget.

The director wasn't exactly happy with the reasons she had joined the company but nonetheless he knew she was crucial to the team. He drummed his fingers and hummed as he put her file aside and picked up the next, but so far he was loving this team.


Congrats to Aesthetic_Potato_  thank you for your support and for submitting the character :) I hope you will continue to support our story!!

This officially closes the Hacker slot :) please comment and show love! It encourages me to write. I know these chapters are gonna be a bit boring but once the actual story starts you are gonna love it! ❤️

Chimchimhooray 🍂

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