#14- Going into Labour

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Niall's parents were staying with us for a few days until the baby's born which should be soon, she's already two days late and tomorrow is Niall's birthday. Niall had gotten 6 months off to spend time with me and the baby.

"Maura?" I asked. "Yes dear?" She replied. "How much does it hurt giving birth?" I asked. "Well I'm not going to lie, it does hurt a lot but it's worth it in the end and you can always get an epidural which numbs your body so you don't feel the contractions which is probably the worst part" she explained and I nodded.


It was 5pm and Niall was in the living room watching football with Bobby and I was in the dining room with maura. "I'm just nipping to the toilet" I said. I stood up and walked towards the dining room door. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. "Ahhhh!"bi screamed. Niall, maura and Bobby were instantly by my side. "Come in baby, tell me what wrong!" Niall pleaded keeping me steady. I felt my waters break. Niall looked down and his eyes widened. "Dad get the bag it's in our bedroom, mum will you drive us there?" Niall said. Maura got in the drivers seat of our car, Bobby in the passenger seat and Niall in the back with me.


I was lied in the bed and Niall was next to me holding my hand through every contraction. "Are you gonna get the epidural?" Niall asked. "Probably because the pains already horrible and it gets worse" I said.


"Oww!" I cried through another contraction squeezing Niall's hand. I can't be given the epidural yet , I can only have it in an hour. "You're doing great princess, in so proud of you!" Niall says kissing my tear away. "It hurts so much" I whispered. "I know princess, I wish I could do something but in the end we get our beautiful daughter, so all this pain is worth it" he said and I smiled slightly.
"Hey, its past 12 me and the baby will have the same birthday!" Niall said and I smiled. "Like father, like daughter" I said

The doctors came in to check how dilated I am.
"You're ten centimetres dilated, it's time to push!" The doctor said.

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