#5- Telling Nialls Family

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Today we are all going out for a family dinner, me, Niall, Maura, Bobby, Greg, Denise and Theo.

We arrived at the restaurant land sat down at a large table.
The seating arrangement

Niall. Me.  Greg. Denise
Maura Theo Bobby

We ordered our food and chatted amongst ourselves. Niall held my hand under the table and he rubbed the skin on the back of my hand with his thumb.
"Do you and the boys have another tour coming up?" I asked Niall. He shook his head. "Well we have to go to LA for two weeks for some interviews in two month but you could come with me but Simon said that we aren't gonna do a world tour for another two years just promotional tours " he explained and I nodded. "That's good" I said. "Yeah I get to spend more time with you" he said and I smiled.

"So am I going to get a grand baby from you two anytime soon?" Maura asked me and Niall. I glanced at Niall. He smiled. "Yes actually, in about 6 months" he said. "Really?" Maura gasped and we nodded smiling. "Oh my! I'm gonna be a grandma again!" She said happily. She stood up and came around the table to us and hugged us. "My baby's having a baby" she said making me laugh. "Congratulations!" She said sitting back down. Everyone congratulated us. "So what gender do you want?" Maura asked. "I want a girl but I don't really care what gender it is" Niall said . "What about you y/n?" She asked me. "I'm not really bothered what gender it is, I'll be happy either way" I said.

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