#12- Decorating the nursery

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The boys where over and they where upstairs helping Niall with the nursery. I was downstairs watching to because Niall didn't let me help because he didn't want anything to happen to me or the baby. He's such a drama queen sometimes.

I put 4 cups of tea on a tray and put a plate of biscuits on it as well. I carried them upstairs to the boys. "I brought you some snacks" I said walking into the room. Nothing had been painted yet, they where just setting the furniture up. "Thanks princess" Niall said kissing my cheek. "Also, once you leave the room don't come back in until we tell you we want it to be a surprise!" Liam told me and I nodded. I left the room and went back downstairs.


The boys had left around 5 minutes ago and they told me that Niall was finishing some little things in the room and that he will show me when it's ready. "Ready to see the baby's room?" Niall asks do coming into the room. "How long did it take you?"I asked  when we where walking upstairs. "All day" Niall said. The baby's room was in the room next to mine and Niall's so that when she wakes up at night we can easily get to her.

I opened the door and gasped. "Oh my! This is beautiful Niall!" I said. He smiled. "I guess you like it" he said and I nodded. "Like it? I love it Niall!" I said hugging him. "I'll have the thank the boys when they come over next" I said looking around the room.  I looked around the room. "Aww you set the cot up with blankets" I said. "Gotta be prepared" he said. "Even though there's still another 3 months before she comes" I chuckled. I took a photo of the nursery for twitter.

Mrs_Horan: The baby's nursery, can't thank Niall,Louis,Liam and Harry enough, it's gorgeous!💝

Mrs_Horan: The baby's nursery, can't thank Niall,Louis,Liam and Harry enough, it's gorgeous!💝

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