#9-Telling the boys

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The boys are coming today so me and Niall plan on telling them about the baby today. I was wearing sweatpants and one of Niall's t shirts so the bump want noticeable.

I went downstairs and sat next to Niall. "Hey y/n" the boys said. "Hello" I waved. "When are we telling them?" Niall whispered to me. "Tell them now" I whispered back.

"Louis, Liam , Harry!" I said getting their attention. They looked at me. "Me and Niall have something to tell you" I said. "What?" Louis asked looking at us.
I looked at Niall.

"How would you 3 feel about having a niece?" He asked. It took them a while to realise but their eyes soon widened. "You two are having a baby?" Harry asked and we nodded. "A baby girl" Niall corrected smiling. The boys hugged us and congratulated us. "When are you telling the fans?" Liam asked. "Probably in our interview tomorrow" Niall replied

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