Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me," I say to my mum and dad. I practically run upstairs to my bedroom shutting the door behind me which resulted in a loud bang causing me to jump. I head to my vanity and sit on my fuzzy white stool as I faced the mirror.

"Why me?!?! What did I ever do wrong? Why can't I just have a peaceful life like everyone else? Why did he have to intrude into my life?" I said to myself as tears were rising like a waterfall. A million questions rose up in my mind and seemed like I was going to explode from the grief. I suddenly hear a knock on my door and I jump, immediately making me snap out of my thoughts. I wipe my tears away and open my door. I see Tyler and looks at me with a worried face.

"Can I come in?" He asks, and of course, I did let him in, I may have been really upset but I'd always let my family members come and talk to me. He sits on my Queen Sized bed that was cleaned this morning. He immediately relaxes, and it seems like he couldn't get any more comfortable. I'm still standing near the door trying not to cry anymore as Tyler looks around my room in amusement. His eyes trail from my bed sheets to my bedside table that has a stack of books and a vase of my favourite Bulgarian roses, then he looks at my closet, my vanity, my desk that currently has all the books I need for school and my MacBook with my iPhone 7 resting on top of it. After what seems like 5 minutes of me staying silent and him looking around my room Tyler breaks the silence.

"Jeez, sis you already unpacked everything and set it out, your room looks bloody spotless you can't say the same about mine. I thought you were the typical teenage girl that had a room looking like a freakin' zoo." He says and I can clearly see he's trying to cheer me up.

"Ty, thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I don't think it made the situation any better," I say looking down at my black fuzzy carpet. Tyler sighs and gets up from the bed and places both hands on my shoulder.

"Amy, you need to cheer up, I don't like seeing you like this, I want my sister back. The girl that teased me all the time, the girl that playfully thwacked my head when I got a maths question wrong, and the girl that always chased me around the house when I'd wake you up by pouring a whole load of water over you. I want you to be back to normal Amy. I miss the real Amy." Tyler said. His voice was filled with worry and I could tell that he's upset the way I am. He pulls me in for a hug and I accept it, trying to hold back the tears.

"You're right Tyler, it's time for a new beginning," I say with a big smile on my face.

"You go sis, and just so you know when I have ever been wrong?" He asks with a laugh.

"Hmm, lemme think about that, every time except now." I say laughing at my own joke, and I see Tyler with an expression that says 'really?' and it just makes me laugh even more. No matter how upset I am Tyler always knows how to cheer me up. I was laughing so hard that I ENDED UP having hiccups and even with that I was still laughing so hard. Tyler soon realises I'm hiccupping and searches the room for my water bottle, his eyes lighten when he sees it on my desk and practically runs for it and unscrews the lid, but he doesn't hand it to me, his face forms a sly smirk and I gesture with my hand for him to give the bottle to me, but the bottle doesn't move from his hand. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

"Ty-ler! Giv- me th- bot-tle." I say, and from the hiccupping, in between my words, I fail to form the sentence. I decided to just grab the bottle from him, because it seems like he isn't planning to give it to me, but just as I move my hand towards the bottle Tyler raises his hand with the bottle above my head, and before I can even reach the water the bottle ends up on my head, leaving me dumbfounded with my jaw dropped with shocked eyes. Now Tyler is the one laughing his head off and he's holding his stomach because he's laughing so hard he can't bear it.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS TYLER!!!" I say in the deadliest voice possible and moving my hair away from my face to show my expression to a laughing Tyler. Tyler immediately stops laughing and looks at me. He knows exactly how the pissed Amy acts. Instead of getting up and walking to the door a terrified Tyler crawls to the door and runs out of my room and I chase him.

"MUUUMMMMMM" Tyler screams. Tyler is such a baby. As he runs downstairs. My mum and dad both look up from the dinner table and immediately get up from their chairs to see a Tyler with death fear and an Amy with a giant smile on her face.

Tyler runs to them and hides behind my mum and places his hands on her shoulders as if she's his bodyguard and he is the little child. My mum and dad laugh and face him.

"What did you do this time?" My mum and dad both ask in unison.

"I didn't do anything, she's just chasing me for no reason. GO AWAY AMY!!" He says looking at me frightened. And I grab a table knife that was resting peacefully on the table. Sorry knife but you need to help me out right now. I point the knife towards Tyler and witness how he has an expression that says 'She wouldn't'

"TELL. THEM. THE TRUTH. Mum! Dad! He poured water on me!!" I say with a disappointed playful face. Tyler realises that my parents won't support him because they always support me, Tyler runs to the back door and through the garden. Ha! He can't escape now. I, my mum and dad both walk at the same pace as if in a movie. Tyler takes a step back to each step I put forward. I stop and look at my parents who are still at the same pace as me.

"I'll take care of him," I say but obviously they know what I mean and they take a step back and letting me take the spotlight. I turn to Tyler who is just about three step away from me and a smirk forms my face.

"Oh dear brother, you never learn your lesson do you?" I say failing to be serious.

"You can't threaten me, Amy, I'm your brother you love me too much." He says with puppy eyes but it doesn't make me cancel my plan.

I show him two fingers and ask him "You can choose your own fate, pick a finger." and he looks at me confused he touches my index finger I fold the other finger which he didn't choose, so now it's as if I'm pointing to him. "WISE CHOICE," I say and with that, I push my finger on his chest making him fall backwards and he falls into the swimming pool behind him with a loud splash. I just enjoy the moment as he struggles to balance his body leaving me to laugh till my stomach hurts.


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