Chapter 18 Birthday Present (Mystery Man's POV)

Start from the beginning

I set the timer for an hour and a half and quickly make the cheesecake, putting it in the fridge to set up. Then I start setting the room up. I put a nice tablecloth on the table and set a few candles in the middle. Then, I make sure it's clean, not wanting it to look messy when Charlotte sees it. By the time it's set up there are only 35 minutes left on the timer. I get changed into nicer clothes and put the box on the bedside table.

 I message Charlotte. 'Hey darling, I have a surprise for you. Get dressed really nice and come to the hotel, please. I promise nothing bad will happen and remember don't tell anyone.'

A few minutes later she messages back. 'Why?'

'I have a surprise for you, it's harmless I promise.'

'Fine, I'll be there in 30.'

'Okay, don't forget to dress nice.'

She doesn't answer after that and so I start making a salad. I know she isn't legal to drink yet, but what harm is a little wine. I get out a bottle of Strawberry Moscato wine, I decided to get something sweet and I think it'll pair well with dinner. 

I pour two glasses of wine and set the table. I place two bowls of salad on either side of the table and light the candles. Then, I pull the cheesecake out of the fridge and put some cherry topping on it before setting it back in the fridge. I hear a knock on the door and take in a deep breath. 

Straightening my clothes, I open the door to find Charlotte standing there in a gorgeous black lace dress with matching heels. She looks stunning. Her hair is in soft curls and she's wearing minimal makeup, she doesn't need it though. She's gorgeous without it.

"Hello darling, come in, come in." I hold the door open letting her walk in.

She looks around the room and gasps softly. "You did all this, for me?" She looks at with confusion in her eyes.

"Well, I love you. I would do anything for you, anything at all." The oven beeps, telling me that the lasagna is done. "I'll be right back." I tell her and walk over to the oven pulling the lasagna out. I set it on the counter to cool. Then, I walk over and pull out a chair for Charlotte. "Sit, darling."

She sits and I walk to the other side and sit down. I look at her and smile. She smiles back hesitantly.

"You can eat the salad if you want darling, it's not poisoned."

She takes a small bite.

"This is a pretty good salad." She smiles and takes another bite. I smile at her and take a bite as well.

We finish the salad pretty quickly, not making much conversation and I get up taking the bowls into the kitchen area. I dish up two plates of lasagna. I bring them over, setting one in front of Charlotte and another in my place. 

"I made this from scratch." I say proudly. "I used my grandma's recipe. I hope you like it."

She takes a bite and groans softly, closing her eyes. "This is amazing, did you really make this?"

I smile nodding. "I did, I made the noodles and sauce completely from scratch."

"Wow, this is the best lasagna I've had in a long time." She takes another bite. After eating a few bites I take a sip of my wine. She notices and looks at her glass.

"Is this wine?" She asks, picking up the glass.

"It is, I know you aren't legal to drink, but I thought a little wine wouldn't hurt. It's Strawberry Moscato, it's sweeter than most other wines, I hope you like it."

She takes a sip. "This isn't half bad." She takes another. 

"So, do you like this?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes.

"I do, thank you. Even though you're my stalker, it's still nice to have someone do this."

I frown a little when she mentions the stalker part. I only did it because I love her. 

"Well, I'm glad you like it." We finish the lasagna and I take our dishes and bring each of us a slice of cheesecake. "I made this from scratch as well, it's another of my grandma's recipes."

I refill our glasses and sit down. She takes a bite of cheesecake and closes her eyes. "This cheesecake is amazing." I smile and we make small talk through dessert. By the time we finish, we're laughing together and I've refilled out glasses another time.

I stand up taking our dishes to the sink, but leaving the glasses. I blow out the candles and help her up, leading her to the bed.

"I have a present for you. I hope you like it."

I sit beside her and hand her the box. She takes the box, pulls off the ribbon and opens it. She pulls out the camera and gasps, looking at me.

"Is this for real? This camera costs like 4,000 dollars. How did you get this?"

"It's for real darling. Money doesn't matter when it comes to you. I'd spend all the money in the world just to please you."

She tears up a bit. "You really do care about me don't you?"

I nod, of course I do. How is she just now realizing this. I've tried showing her in every way I know how. "I do darling. I have for a long time."

I slowly put my arm around her, she doesn't move away and I smile. Today has gone a lot better than I expected.

It's starting to get late, I don't want her to go, but I know she has to. "Princess, how did you get here?" I ask, wondering if she has a ride home, hopefully not, so I can take her.

"Jess drove me, she didn't ask questions and I had her drop me off a block away, in front of a restaurant. No one knows you're here. I told her I didn't need her to pick me up."

I sigh in relief, thank heavens, not only am I safe, but I get to drive her home as well. "Well, then I'll drive you home. It's getting late and we don't want your mom to get worried."

She nods and puts the camera back in the box. She stands up, smoothing out her dress. "Thank you for tonight."

I smile and she smiles back. I gently grab her arm and lead her outside, shutting off the light and locking the door. I lead her to my car, opening the door for her and making sure she's in. I get in the driver's seat and drive off. 

Ten minutes later, we pull up in front of her house. "Well, here we are." I say softly, wishing she didn't have to go, but sadly it's still to early to take her for good. Soon, only a week, and she'll be mine. I'll get to have her anytime I want and I won't have anyone telling me I can't have her, not even her.

She leans over and kisses my cheek. I look at her shocked, I did not expect that, I thought she hated me, maybe she still does but, not as much as she did. She smiles softly. "Goodnight Lucas, I had a lot of fun tonight."

"Goodnight darling, I'm glad you did." And with that, she's gone. I sit outside her house for a few minutes, before driving off. 

Tonight was amazing and I still can't believe it just happened. 

Hey guys! So, what did you think? Am I the only one who loves Lucas? Maybe it's because I created him but I think he's sweet, a little crazy, but sweet. Sorry for the beginning by the way, not my best work, but I was stuck, luckily I figured out how to finish the chapter. I hope you guys liked it! The next chapter will be Charlotte's birthday party. See you then!

(P.S. I am updating at 5:43 where I live, I have been up for 2 hours and got a total of 2 hours of sleep go me! But don't worry I didn't write any of this during the past two hours)

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