Final Authors Note

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Sorry it too so long to post this. I wanted to have Need up before I posted.

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I want to thank you all for putting up with my spotty updates in this story. I thank you so much.

I'm super excited to start the sequel and have decided I'll post the first chapter when I go on Spring Break which will be Friday afternoon.

I love you all so much and am so thankful for all of your love and support, it's beyond anything I've ever expected and I couldn't be more thankful.

If you enjoy my stories, please feel free to check out my others.


Shadow- Austin Mahone, the boy who has a major crush on Noah Bradley. Noah Bradley, the girl who doesn't know who Austin Mahone is. But will one trip change everything? Or will then never be known as more than strangers?

Bulletproof- "What do you mean you're sorry?!" I scream "It's too late for you to be sorry" I shove him against the wall.

"It can't be too late, please, you've got to believe me"

"Believe you?! I saw it with my own eyes! Actions speak louder than words Carter, and your actions scream this was all a mistake" I spit, my eyes filling with tears.

"Baby please, this can't be a mistake, I love you" He begs, looking utterly pathetic.

"If you truly loved me, you would've never done this, I know I shouldn't have trusted you"

"I do love you, I swear, I need you! Please don't leave me" He gets on his knees, pleading. But I turn away and walk to the door, he screams for me to come back, but I have no desire to continue this, I turn around one last time.

"I thought we were bulletproof, but you always had the gun and I sat patiently, hoping and praying that you'd never pull the trigger, but you did, you shot me, you shot us and now it's over" I walk out of his house, and out of his life, we were toxic anyways, this is best for the both of us.

Between Us- I had a girlfriend, she had a reputation. I liked her, she used me for fun. I fell in love with her, she left me. But no matter what things were kept Between Us.

Surrogate- A story in which a man, falls in love with his surrogate mother who just so happens to be carrying a child for him and his gay lover.

Sunlight- "...And finally ladies and gentleman, sunlight has peeked out of the cloud of tragedy that once took place in our city"A story in which a serial killer stops killing, not because of his sympathy. But simply because he forgot. He forgot because he fell in love. She was his Sunlight.

She Stayed- Austin Mahone is notorious for the countless women he has coming and going from his penthouse. Every night there's someone new. He wants nothing more than for one to stay, but they never do. Until she changed everything.

Love Me- A story in which a poor boy, fights for the love of a rich girl.

"I just want you to love me" He mumbles.

"I can't" She shakes her head.

"Why not?"

"Because we're too different" She shrugs, and he sighs heavily.

"Please" He pleads.

"You've repayed your debts, I think it's time to leave" She says quietly, slowing shutting the door. Austin doesn't fight to keep the door open, nor does he beg and plead for her to open it back up. He just walks off with his head hanging low, and a heavy heart.

Challenge: "She'll be a challenge, but I'm ready for it"

A story in which a jock falls for an antisocial girl, no matter how difficult it may be.

Still being written:

Pinky Promise: A story in which a boy and girl make a pinky promise as a young age, and she tries her hardest to keep it, no matter how difficult it may be.

My Heart: A story in which, a boyfriend gets arrested for a crime he didn't commit and his girlfriend, along with the help of her 4 brothers, attempt to prove his innocence.

The Lifeguard: "I want to know you" I mumble, and he chuckles, taking a drag from the cigarettes between his fingers.

"Princess, I don't want to know you"

"Then what do you want?" I ask, but he doesn't respond. He just puts out his cigarette sending me a wink and a smirk, before walking off, leaving me alone and confused.

A story in which a new lifeguard, falls for her mysterious co-worker, despite all the warnings.

Need: Sequel to Want.

Dirty Little Secret: A story in which a boy and girl have a secret relationship, which in turn changes into something completely different.

Insane: "Sane is the insanity most call normality put forth by society" ~Erik Till

He Left: Sequel to She Stayed

Arrogant: A story in which a guy is infatuated with a model, who doesn't like his arrogance.

How We Used To Be: A story in which an ex couple ends up on vacation together, spending long nights and early mornings reminiscing on how they used to be.

Where Are They Now?: Ever seen 'Catfish: Where Are They Now?'? Well this is just like that except in book form. I go back to my stories and pull out the main characters, writing chapters on where they are now. As my stories are completed, chapters will be added. (This has very slow updates as it's not a main line story)

Mommy: A story in which a guy falls in love with a girl, accepting all her baggage along the way.

Austin Mahone Imagines: The name says it all...

I never realize how many stories I've actually got until I do these things.

But anyways, I love you all so much

And for the last time on this story

I'm Bad_Boy_Hemmo❤

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