Introduction - I'm Such A Klutz

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Ummm...... I've never done this before sooooooooo......... Let's try it :)

- Clary P.O.V. -

I kept my head down, it was mid term here at high school and I was once again a new girl. My best friend Simon was still at my old school which was 1000km away, just because my mom makes us move frequently due to 'her job', but I don't even know what her job is anyway.

What kind of danger could a 14 year old girl get into?

I've moved into about 4 different high school since starting, making friends is exhausting, especially since I'm kinda..... Bad at making them because let's just say I'm a tiny tiny bit antisocial..... OK maybe ALOT.

Oh well.

I was moving towards a classroom while reading a map, and BOOM! All my books fell out my hand. I just had to bash into someone. I was just about to apologise when I looked up and a gorgeous guy kneeling in front of me offering to help me pick up my books.

He had amazing luscious long golden blonde hair and a god like eyes which shimmered in the light. I just stared at him speechless until he stood straight.

- Jace P.O.V. -

Shoot, shoot, shoot. Why the hell did I just do that.

"Sorry bout that."

I apologised, I mean what else was I supposed to do.

She had a distant look in her eyes, her bright green eyes. Her red hair flowed onto her shoulders and she was just beautiful.

- Clary P.O.V -

I stood there dreamily thinking about him when I snapped out of my dreams and realised he was still here.


I blurted out.

"No, it was completely my fault, Clary." He spoke with a heavenly voice.

"How do you know my name!"

"I saw it on your book." He replied mysteriously.


"Would you like me to walk you to class?"

"Yea... Yea..." I stuttered.

We walked into my class and as he left, he winked at me and said

"See you around, Clary."

I felt my cheeks blush as I realised that I don't even know his name...


I hope someone will enjoy this......

I hope......

Yep that's all.

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