Chapter 15 - People, Patience and Paper Bags

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- Clary's POV -

I stare at the guy with white hair and probably left my mouth open for quite a while.

I blinked twice.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. So what you're telling me, is that you're my FATHER!"

He nods his head. "Yes."

"And you want my mom to help you corrupt some group of weird hunter people who kill demons?!" My voice raises.

He nods again. "They're called sha-dow-hun-ters. Yes."

"And you're holding me hostage so that my mum will bring some... SOME RANDOM CUP THING TO YOU!"


I roll my eyes at him and sink back into my creaking chair.

"Humph." I sigh.

Suddenly the door busts open and Jace is standing in the door way looking heavenly as per usual, kinda out of breath but still glorious.


I look at him and he looks at me, then Alec coughs.

"Um, guys, I hate to interrupt the mood but we should probably carry on the 'Save Clary Operation'."

Jace blinks.

"Right, of course."

Suddenly, I felt intensity fill the air, and another bag was placed over my head.


I heard tons of crashes, a growling noise and lots of slashing noises.

By the time the noise had settled, someone's lifted the bag over my head and said "Surprise!"

I was so glad to be out of that bag that I didn't comprehend my situation properly.

Firstly, the weird green creature was on the ground and was evaporating into black ash.

Secondly, my father (?) was no where to be seen, my mom had wrapped herself around me, giving me a hug.

Thirdly, Isabelle and Jace were surrounding Alec, as if nurturing a baby bird.

I would have probably knelt next to Alec too but I was in shock.

"Hello? Remember me? You know, your BEST friend?" The guy who took the bag off my head was smiling a goofy grin.

"I was kind of expecting a welcome party or something but this was um... Exciting too."

He smiled again, I think he was blushing.


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