XXIX : The Last Retaliation

Start from the beginning

Aslan's paws sprinted across the grass as he headed for the battle. His eyes searching for signs of the blonde hair belonging to either Elizabeth or Peter, even a sign of his mane that Jadis had cut off the night before and was wearing now was good enough for him. He knew he was quickly running out of time and his amber eyes searched the battlefield thoroughly. Sure enough, he caught sight of Peter lying on his back with a sword in his armor holding him to the ground but a purple and blue wall covering him. He knew exactly who was behind the wall and gritted his teeth, Elizabeth was always one for standing up to save her friends before herself and he had a bad feeling.

Of course, Elizabeth was sitting up on the ground with white eyes and outstretched hands towards Peter while Jadis had her sword raised ready to impale the girl. Aslan let out a growl causing Jadis to look up in shock at him as he leaped over Peter with a roar and threw Jadis about ten feet away from Peter and Jadis. As he held her on the ground, the impact caused Jadis to lose her sword and she looked up in fear at the lion standing mere inches from her. 

Elizabeth was quick to jump up after Aslan had grabbed Jadis, running over to Peter and ripping the sword from his armor allowing him to get up again. She gave him a helping hand up as her eyes turned back to blue and the two stood side-by-side and turned to Aslan in the distance when they heard a loud roar. At this point, all the new troops ran by the two to chase off the remaining enemy troops and by the time Aslan turned back around to face the pair, Jadis laid motionless on the ground.

Aslan slowly walked up to the two before he stopped and looked them both in the eyes. "It is finished," he told them and Elizabeth let out a breath that she didn't know she had been holding.

"Peter!" Susan called out while Lucy called out to Elizabeth. The pair turned around to see the sisters running down the hill towards them. Susan pulled Peter into a hug while Lucy gripped Elizabeth.

The reunion was short lived though as Elizabeth soon pulled away from Lucy and began to search the battlefield. Their little group was incomplete and Elizabeth felt her heart skip a beat as her eyes scanned the valley. She turned to Peter with big eyes of fear. "Where's Edmund?"

Peter gave her a sad look on his face of despair as his sisters gasped before he turned to look off into the distance. Elizabeth quickly took off in the direction Peter was looking, the siblings right behind her. As the four sprinted towards him, Ginarrbrik was sneaking up behind him with an ax in his hands ready to slice Edmund.

"Edmund!" Susan screamed but Elizabeth's eyes had already turned a deadly red as her face turned into a scowl that actually made the dwarf freeze in his tracks as he turned to the group and saw Elizabeth's glare.

With a ripping motion of her right hand, the ax flew out of Ginarrbrik's hands and onto the ground ten feet away from the dwarf. She blinked her eyes and they became green as the ground began to shake and two large tree roots flung from the ground grabbing the screaming dwarf by his ankles and pulling him up into the air. Then, she threw dwarf towards the boulder behind him and he hit the boulder so hard it made a cracking sound as he fell to the ground dead. After blinking her eyes they returned blue and she let out a quick sigh of exhaustion, her power beginning to drain her after all the magic she had produced in one day.

The four then ran to Edmund and found him gasping for air as he twitched on the ground, his body a sickly color. Elizabeth was the first to reach him as she dove to the ground beside him. She quickly unbuckled his helmet and pulled it off his head to allow him to breath more easily. Susan sat down beside Edmund's head as she placed his head onto her lap allowing his airway to open up more. Peter sat by Edmund's side across from Elizabeth while Lucy sat down beside Elizabeth.

"Oh my gosh," Peter muttered as he actually had a better look at the damage inflicted upon Edmund by the Witch.

"What do we do?" Susan practically cried out as she stroked Edmund's hair trying to comfort him.

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