Chapter One - The Mysterious Wolf

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Growling, I thrash against the witches hold, enduring the pain that erupts in my head. How dare they think they can hold me? I am Niklaus Mikealson. I refuse to let these petty witches use me to get to my daughter. Masking my fear, I look towards hope, she's standing a few meters away and she looks petrified as the witches close in on her. Normally by now, there would be heads rolling but I have three covens of witches that decided to band together to hold me down why they kill hope. They can't kill me as they don't have the white oak stake, but they might be able to kill hope and destroying my hope will demolish any hope that I originally had.

"Lay one hand on her, and you'll find yourselves without any heads!" I growl before trying to push myself up which only causes the witches to chant harder, causing me to slump against the tree more than I was before.

"I am Niklaus Mikaelson, I will not be bested by you pathetic excuses for witches!" I snarl, but even they knew that I was quickly losing my conscious. I can't let them harm her. Panting, I try to push myself up again, choosing to ignore the pain erupting in my head. Which causes the surrounding witches to gasp. I don't have the energy to kill them now, but if I can just grab hope and go then I can gather my strength before showing them what power is really like. I'm never one to run, but for hope... I'd do anything. I manage to stand though my legs are like jelly and my organs feel as though there going to implode, I can't help but smirk as the witches suddenly have a look of fear in their wretched eyes. I groan in pain as they chant harder, causing me to stumble backwards slightly, but I refuse to let them win. After all, all those that have gone against me and my family are now long dead, with their remains scattered like worthless objects.

Screaming in agony, I step forward, slowly edging towards hope. One of the witches next to hope suddenly grab her.

"No!" I yell, no longer caring about masking my emotions, the only person in my life that matters right now is hope; no one and I means no one, is going to take her from me. A rustling in the bushes not so far from hope grabs my attention and then I see what I wasn't expecting. A wolf. A wolf suddenly jumps out and attacks the witches, they turn their attention from me and hope to the wolf and they try their magic against the wolf but it doesn't work. Puzzled expression forms on my face as I watch, but I decide not to get distracted and use this distraction to run over to hope, not vamp speeding in order to conserve energy as I quickly recover from the witches hold. Hope looks up to me and her expression breaks me. I never wanted to see that expression on her. Not her.

She runs into me, sobbing and I wrap my arms around her protectively whilst stroking her head.

"you're okay sweetheart, I promise that I won't let them hurt you," I say before she pulls from my grip and looks up at me with her tear stained face.

"Always and forever?" she asks hopefully, struggling to contain her tears. I can't help but smile at that.

"Always and forever," I confirm before pulling her into me and speeding away but one factor remains, who was that wolf?


I'd put hope to bed early tonight as I knew she was exhausted from the eventful day, I dipped my paintbrush into my desired paint before pressing it against the canvas softly. I was painting the wolf from earlier to try and help me think. The wolf was too strong to be a normal wolf and it obviously wasn't an average werewolf as it was daylight and the curse on the werewolves had been lifted years ago. As for hybrids, there's only me, hope, Hayley and tyler Lockwood. I and hope were there so it wasn't us, Tyler wasn't in this state, or I would have smelt him. Hayley was at the compound and her wolf had an acorn brown coat whereas this wolf had not.

My secret wolf (Niklaus Mikealson) AUWhere stories live. Discover now