"YES!" Pidge said pumping her fists.

Keith giggle at the memory. He found out that Pidge didn't necessarily have a crush, but that she had taken a liking to Shiro. And well, she found out his feeling for Lance. It wasn't strong feelings (yet), but he did find him slightly attractive.

I guess he knew how Pidge felt when she lost her brother. Alone, afraid. It was hard to describe. But Keith couldn't handle being alone anymore. He had just gotten the feeling of a family, a sibling and he lost it again.

Usually, when he had something troubling him, he would talk to Pidge, and well, she wasn't here. But maybe Shiro could help. Maybe, he would understand. Shiro was close to her, right?


Hunk looked at his food as everyone else was talking about plans and strategies. Well, more like Lance, Allura, and Caran, because that was all that was left who, still cared for Pidge, but didn't let it affect them to much.

Hunk knew they were talking, but had mostly shut them out. He stared at his food feeling so guilty for what happened to Pidge. What if he didn't tell Shiro that she might be dead? Would they have been able to save her?

I just felt like his team was torn a part because of him.

"HUNK!" Lance yelled.

Hunk looked upward to his best friend. "What happened?"

"I have been trying to get your attention for the past minute!" Lance stated.

"Sorry, I was thinking..." Hunk said sounding depressed. "I mean what if it is all my fault."

"Hunk. You did what was best. If you didn't act quick, we would've lost all three of you." Lance said trying to comfort.

"But our team is broken now. I have seen Keith or Shiro for a whole week. Shiro is at least eating the food I give him, but Keith won't eat at all."

"We all miss Pidge, but bad things happen. We need to stay strong."


Pidge slowly woke up, but to her surprise, she felt hot. She opened her eyes slowly as the sun slowly blinded her eyes. The sun? Was this an illusion created by the Galra?

She sat up feeling worst than ever. Her whole body ache.

"You're awake!" A voice from behind said. It startled her initially, but it didn't sound Galra. Actually, it sounded familar.

She slowly turned around to see none other than her twin, Matt. She rubbed her eyes not believe what she saw. This had to be an illusion.

"You shouldn't move to much. Hagar did a lot to you." The person or Matt said.

"Matt?" She said softly with the little voice she had. She realized she was very dehydrated.

"How do you know my name?" Matt said as he tilted his head. "Did Hagar tell you?"

"Matt!" She said joyfully as she ran to him and gave him a big hug. Even if this was an illusion, she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

"Who are you?" Matt said as he left her embrace.

"You don't remember me?" Pidge said as her heart broke. What did the Galra do to him?

She than looked downwards, that is until she noticed her right hand. I was like Shiro's hand. Hagar wasn't kidding. She than looked up at a section of her bangs, and there it was, part of it was white.

"I guess those are new to you, huh?" Matt said trying to comfort her. "She did the same to a good friend of mine."

Good friend of his? Wait! Than he does remember his past. Than why doesn't he recognize her?

Duh! How could she be so stupid? She cut her hair short, and probably have scars from Hagar that make her unrecognizable.

"Matt, it me. Katie." She said taking his hands.

"Katie!?" Matt said sounding surprised. But than she could see that he finally recognized her. He have her another hung, but than pushed her away by her shoulders. "I thought you were on Earth! Safe! Why are you here!?" He asked sounding a little angry.

"I came looking for you." She answered.

"How? Wait, never mind that! Was mom with you?"

"No. She is on Earth, and to answer your first question, well it's a long story." She giggle. "But your here. I found you." Tears of joy were forming in her eyes as she repeated: "I found you."


Oh, a heart warming part after all the depressing part at the beginning.

Also, if you didn't realize there was a Disney reference. I want you to re-read the first part with Shiro and Keith and keep the last part of "Do you want to build a snowman?" in mind.

You're welcome.


PS. Votes are Appreciated!~

Like a Grape (Shidge AU) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now