Part 6

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Jungkook pov

Shit shit shit what the hell just happened ?! Jeon jungkook oh my god I seriously thought i dont like him but when he says he's gonna move on i just feel so angry and sad

"Urgh" i wash my face and dry it with yoongi hyungs towel (there's just one towel at the moment and its his so idgaf)

Do i like him...? Or is it just like i like the attention he gives me ? Im really so confused

I think i need fresh air

Jimin pov

He leaves me again
Like the first time I confessed he runs away again. Someone please explain to me how can i like that piace of shi-

Im so confused and angry
Im gonna fight somebody rightnow

"BITCHHHH" i scream

The door suddenly opens
"Park jimin you're not a cat with 9 lifes dont test me. We already have one noisy crazy idiot looking horse in this house we dont need another one thank you very much"

And the door close

Min Yoongi spits fire

Okay so back again to jungkook
What should i do if he always runs away from me ? Should i like tie him up like that one night I accidentally saw namjoon hyung and jin hyung doing it ? And just like talk to him

Why do I think stupid stuff i dont understand my self cmon park jimin be real for a second

Huft... okay cmon jimin you can do this. Just go to jungkook. Talk to jungkook . No kissing. Just talking . Serious talk

I get out from the room and search for jungkook

Bathroom ? Nope
Athor member room ? Nope
Trash can ? Nope

Where is he ???

Living room ?

"Tae did you see kookie ?"
"Umm....He just went out like 5 minutes ago"

"He seems urgent" says namjoon hyung

This little shit

To be continue
So okay here's the thing

My phone brokes again last week so i cannot updatee anything im sorry i love you hoes

And srysly im so bad at l
writing but im so glad you guys still read this and enjoys it. It really means a lot to me

AND ! Im gonna see bts in 29 april.
Im legit gonna die
Im so excited to see them like o ma gad

So yeah comment vote 💕
Comment for good luck girlys

So yeah comment vote 💕Comment for good luck girlys

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^I love him so how can he be so perfect


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