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How long was it? she wondered.

She felt the cold water lapping the side of her face.

Run! Run away from this monster! Her mind screamed at her.

She tried to lift her arms but they felt like lead ... her sister ... she knew she had to get up ... go back home ... her mother would be worried. 

She felt the cold, morning wind  pierce the skin of her back ... she tried to call her sister but she couldn't find her voice ... tired ... so tired...



Okay, so I had no intention of including this chapter but since the requirement of the competition I am participating in, is minimum three chapters, I am adding this one even though the book was over in two. Thus, you can say, this more like a prologue.

Anyway, so that's all that I have to say.

If you like it, do vote, comment and share!

Bye! :)

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