Saving Justin

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My classes were okay, and I already got 500 dollars by having a weekend full of clases non stop. If I was like this for 5 more weekends, I'll get more money than I expected. That would be awesome! When I was counting the money, Chad entered to my room:
-hey lil sis.
-hi! I said hiding the money.
-so, you still mad about Cleveland?
-no. Not anymore, maybe I'll see him in some other occasion...
-sure? He lives in LA, and you in Perth. That's crossing the world. He said.
-I know. I know. I just think that maybe I'll see him when he comes here, or when I'll go there. I said.
-yeah. Well, if you think you'll see him again, you'll do it. So don't worry. He said.
I hugged my brother and said:
-thank you Chad.
-you're welcome Bridget.
As Chad broke the hug he stood up and said:
-I'll leave now, if you need me I'll be at Sophie's.
Chad closed the door, and I took the money. I restarted the counting and I thought, if Chad almost sees the money, what should I do with it? I looked for every box I had in my room, and then I found one. I put on the money in there, so Chad never suspect that I'm doing something.

The next day was a Monday, so I wouldn't get a lot of money working on Mondays. At school days I would get 200 dollars. So if I stayed like that for 2 months, I would get a lot of money. More money than expected.
-Hi! Said Missy exited.
-hey! I said.
-guess what?
-tell me.
-we're going to sleep together in the school trip!
-the rooms, we're staying in the same room! She said.
-that's so cool! I said.
-and how's your surfing lessons?
-pretty good. Actually very good.
-how much you've made so far?
-just keep in mind that they're still 2 months to collect all the money. Okay?
-sure. Give me the number! She asked anxious.
-I've made 500 dollars only this weekend.
-that's great Bridget!
-I know!
-and today, you're making classes today? She asked.
-yes. Why?
-because my Sweden cousin is coming and she wants to do surfing classes.
-I can teach her. I said.
-cool. 50 dollars an hour? She asked.
-yes. I said.
-cool. I'll tell her.

I was so happy about the surfing classes! Missy helped me a lot by telling people that I was making classes. Missy is such a good friend. She always helps me when I ask her. When I first met Missy, we hated each other. She called me bitch and I called her skank. Then we became friends out of nowhere.

Today I was teaching Missy's cousins. Missy told me I would teach two cousins, but then Missy called me saying that I would have to teach 6 others.
-wasn't I teaching only 2 cousins of yours? I asked her.
-yeah, but then they invited more of their siblings so, you'll need to teach them. She said.
-I don't know if I can.
-you can do it B! Remember, I'll give you 300 dollars for each of them.
-I think I can do it! I said. I said.

I went to the beach, and I saw 6 blondes kids waiting for me.
-hey! You must be Missy's cousins. I said.
-yeah. You're going to teach us to surf? Asked one of them.

When I taught them, they were really happy. They loved to surf and they were really grateful about having classes with me. One of Missy's cousins said to me:
-You are the best surfing teacher ever!
-aw, thanks mate! I said hugging him.
The hour was finished, and Missy picked them up.
-they behaved well? Asked Missy.
-yeah. I said.
-cool. Here you have your money. Thanks B!
-you're welcome! I said to her.

That entire week I wan 800 dollars. And in total I've got 1300 dollars. I needed to have more money, then I tried to win money by washing Chad's car. He gave me 20 dollars every time I washed it, which I cleaned 4 days a week. It was going great. At Saturday I got to the beach, and I saw Justin there.
-hi Bridget. He said.
-what are you doing here? I asked.
-I am here to take a surfing lesson with you.
-what? I said.
-yeah, I need to learn to surf.
-why? I asked.
-because coach said I needed to do more sports than rugby. He said.
-okay. Are you going to be the only one making my classes today? I asked.
-nope! The whole rugby team is coming.
-I know. Coach says that he is paying you 750 dollars.
-woah! That's a lot of money! I said.
-here are some other guys!
They were 15 guys in my surf lesson. 15! And I was getting paid 750 dollars. That was a lot. Then when we went to the water, I was looking at them all time. Some of the guys already knew how to surf, but they wanted to take the classes anyways. When I was teaching one guy to surf, I heard Justin saying:
-I bet you can't go further.
-you're on. Said another guy.
They paddled deep into the sea. As I was the one watching them I said:
-Justin! Brian! Come back here now!
They didn't heard me.
-Brian! Justin!
Again there was no response.
-can I have your board for a second? I asked one of the guys.
I got into the board and I went paddling where Justin was. Brian left where Justin was and he said to me:
-he is going way to far.
-I know, I'll catch him. You go where the other guys are.
-Justin! I shouted.
When Justin was paddling, I saw a shark tail.
-Justin! I screamed.
-Hey Bridget! He said waving me.
-shark! I shouted.
-what? He said loudly.
-shark! I screamed.
Justin got scared and he started to move a lot on his board, in which he fell off.
I jumped into the water and I looked for Justin. The shark was in front of Justin then he passed out. As fast as I could I swam to get Justin. The shark passed by Justin's side and it made Justin a scar In his leg. Then I took him up and I took him to the beach. In our way, the shark was passing by Justin's side. I paddle faster until we got no sign of the shark. When we got into the beach, all the guys were looking at Justin's scar on his leg. As I got him into he sand, Justin wasn't breathing.
-he is not breathing. Said one of the guys.
Even though I hated him, I started to do mouth to mouth.
-c'mon Justin! I said pushing his chest.
I put my mouth on his giving him air, then he started coughing.
-thank God! I said.
Everyone looked at me. I saved Justin from a shark. Then the coach said:
-you are a real hero Bridget.
-thanks. I said.
-thank you Bridget for saving my life. Said Justin.
-you're welcome I guess.

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