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-hey Aaron!
-hi Bridget! What's up?
-your idea was great. I think I'll be in a airplane to Canada very soon.
-good! Everyone liked the idea?
-yes. And I'll make this project the best!
-good. I think Christian will be very happy about it.
-yeah. So, how you've been?
-great! I went back home in Louisiana. Everything's good.
-I'm glad about it.
-me too. I needed some rest after all.
-yeah. I need to go. We talk later?
-sure! You know you can call me whenever you want.
-thanks bye Aaron.
-bye B!

Thanks to Aaron's idea, I would do the best project in the world. The part I didn't liked was to search information for the project, and specially being with Justin. Ugh. Then I said to myself:
"If you want to see Christian, you'll need to do this." I blinked and started to work. I made an especial reunion for doing the work. Charlotte and Ryan appeared, but Justin didn't.
-where in hell is he? I said.
-he's Justin. He is always late. Said Ryan.
Justin entered to the room acting like nothing happened.
-Justin. Said Charlotte.
-hi Charlotte. He said.
-you're late. We are already doing the work, and you haven't done ANYTHING! I said angry.
-I'm sorry babe.
-I'm not your babe. I said.
-okay, I'm sorry for being late. Jessica took me to the mall, and she passed time. He said.
-for next time try to be at time. This grade affects all of us. Said Ryan.
-I know! Said Justin getting comfortable on the chair. Justin put his legs on the little coffee table I had on my room. I tried to cool off, but I was really stressed out. I wanted to see Christian, and thinking about not being with him, it made me sad.
-so, Charlotte you'll be en charge of the photos, Ryan you'll do the bibliography and the presentation, Justin you'll do the flag and the conclusion, and I will do the information. Sounds good?
-it's sounds great Bridget. Said Charlotte.
-amazing. Said Ryan.
-Whatever. Said Justin.
-you know this grade counts as 2 tests. And if we are the best presentation, will go to Canada.
-effort please Justin. And please be responsable. I said.
-and don't be late. Added Ryan.
-fine! Said Justin.
-good. I said.

Next day, Missy came running saying:
-Bridget! Bridget.
-what happened?
-you. You know what place are you doing?
-yeah why?
-my group haven't done it. And the due date is in 2 weeks. What place we could do?
-I know about what place you could do it.
-which one?
-New York.
-you really think New York will be it?
-yeah. What's not to like about New York. I said confident.
-you serious?
-yeah, Jessica's group is doing it about London.
-oh well, we don't have another choice. Thanks B!
-you're welcome. I said.

Coming back from home, I searched for the information. Woah, they were a lot of things I didn't know about Canada! And now that I'm seeing the pictures, it's beautiful. Now I get why Christian is always talking about Canada.
-sis? Said Chad.
-oh hey Chad. I said while I closed my MacBook.
-you busy?
-kinda, why?
-I think Sophie is going to break up with me.
-why?! You're the perfect couple.
Not as me and Christian... I thought in my head.
-because, she's been weird. Maybe she's cheating on me.
I laughed at Chad.
-it's not funny! Said Chad.
-you're a girl!
-what? Not I'm not.
-yeah you are. Girls are the one who worries about cheating and that stuff. Honestly Chad, Sophie is not cheating on you, you're just scared because you've been together for... I don't know, a year?
-technically it's been 6 months.
-what?! 6 months! I screamed.
-gosh you're saying it like it's a bad thing.
-no, it's good. I can't believe how fast time pass by.
-yeah well. Said Chad.
-trust me in this Chad, Sophie loves you. And I know because she told me. There's nothing wrong in your relationship.
-well, I'll go study for my big test tomorrow. Night sis.
Of course I stood up all night, thinking. How was Christian? Was Cameron okay? Aaron, well I talk to Aaron everyday. But how was Christian. I laid back on my bed thinking about the good times I had with them.
While I was making a flashback in my head, I looked at my phone. I looked to the photo Aaron took me and Christian surfing. We were so happy back then. I wish I could turn back time, and see him. But sometimes, things aren't the way you wanted.

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