Class project

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6 months later...

At homeroom, my teacher, Miss Miller said:
-good morning class! Today I'll tell you something about the class trip.
-cool! Said Justin.
-you'll work in groups and you'll need to search about a place you want and think we should go on the class trip. The best work will be our destination for the class trip. And also you'll be graded. Said miss Miller.
-I hope we get together. I said to Missy.
-I already got the groups!
Miss Miller took off some papers and she said:
-Missy, Hayley, John, and Brian is group one. Thomas, Jessica, Nadia and Mark are group 2. Bridget, Charlotte, Ryan and Justin you're group number 3...

She went on and on. I was with Justin? Why? Gosh! Why him! He is irresponsible and he never pays attention. Well then, I needed a good grade, so I would do anything to get Justin to work. Even though I kinda hate him.

After homeroom Justin came to me and asked me:
-so, we are together...
-yeah. I don't know you, but I need a good grade in this so, I guess we need to work a lot. I said.
-don't worry babe. I'll do anything you say. Said Justin touching my leg.
-Stop doing that! I said.
-what this? He said touching my leg more. I left the classroom and I looked at Missy.
-hey! I said.
-hi! She said.
-you like your group? I asked her.
-kinda. Brian is super hot tho. She said.
-I am with Justin. I said disgusted.
Missy started laughing like crazy.
-it's not funny! I said mad.
-well, good luck with him. She said.
-good luck to you too. I said.

Why should I do this especially with Justin? He was so annoying! He is so lazy, and he would let us do all the work while he is around with Jessica. I needed to express my feelings. So, I FaceTimed Aaron.
-Bridget! Said Aaron with a big smile.
-how you've been?
-good! Except from one thing. I said.
-what happened?
-you know Justin?
-yeah! The guy you told me who had a girlfriend who is looking for you.
-well, in class, we have this project in which we can choose where to go for our school trip. And I am with Justin in the group.
-Sorry, I can't see the point.
-I can't stand him! Ugh! He is really lazy, and irresponsible and annoying...
-oh. You know, sometimes in life, you need to deal with that kind of stuff.
-yeah, but I am so angry!
-you know how you can take out that anger off you?
-Christian is going back to Canada in 3 months.
-that's the same time as my school trip! I said.
-and I can do the project about Canada and if we win, I can go and see him! I said.
-yep! So now, don't be angry and remember, whenever you want to rip Justin's head, you think about Canada.
-thanks Aaron.
-you're welcome Bridget.

I knew Aaron was right. I should think more about Christian than Justin annoying me. When I got to school I texted to my group saying: "let's get together outside of school today and we work"
All responded that they could make it. And this was time to show them my idea.

I was waiting for everyone to show up. Justin was the last to show up, but at leas he did.
-so, what's your idea? Asked Charlotte.
-my idea is Canada.
-Canada? Said Ryan.
-yeah! What's wrong about it? I said.
-why did you chose Canada? Asked Ryan.
In my head the principal answer was because of Christian. But, I couldn't say that, the good thing was that I was really fast thinking, so when they asked me I said:
-because, Canada is very different compared to Australia. They have snow, a lot of snow, they play hockey, and by the way everyone is choosing United States. And I figured out that no one takes care about Canada. It's time to give a chance to Canada.
-I like your point. Said Charlotte.
-thank you. I said.
-well, I was thinking about another country, but when you said al that stuff from Canada, it was true. Said Ryan.
-Canada? Seriously? Said Justin.
-you have a problem with it? I said.
-nope. Not a problem.
-so? What do you say you guys. Are you in?
-I'm in. Said Ryan as fast as a heartbeat.
-I'm in. Said Charlotte.
-Justin? I said.
-are you in?
-what the hell, yeah, I'm in. He said.

Finally, I was going to see Christian again and this time it would be better. I was soo happy to just thinking about it. And I think that we will win our project and I'll see him. I can't wait!

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