Chapter 6

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Present Day

Luke parked the van in the school parent parking lot. Since it was a large school and only had room for one line of cars for drop off and pick up, they had a parking lot assigned just for parents. She used the line to drop off the kids, but only used it to pick them up if she had nobody but the other kids with her.

"I will be right back," she told him as she opened her door. "It should not take too long."

"Take your time, Sang."

She smiled at him and then got out. She quietly closed the door. The kids had fallen asleep on the drive to the school and she wanted them to sleep as long as they could. They could get really cranky without enough sleep.

She quickly made her way towards the school front doors, which were still shut. She glanced at her watch.


It would be another ten minutes before they opened the door and let the kids out. She walked until she was a few feet from the door. Off to the right of the door, there were some metal benches and she sat at the end of one. Already, there were a few parents sitting here and there, also waiting for their kids. She smiled at a couple of the parents,  the ones that she had met the year before when Jacob had been in Kindergarten.

She glanced down at her watch again, but jumped when someone put a hand on her shoulder. When she turned, she found Victor standing there, giving her a sheepish look.

"Sorry, Sang. I did not mean to scare you. Mind if I sit with you?"

"It is ok, Victor. Yes, please sit, sit. How did your music classes go today," she asked him as he sat down beside her.

Victor taught music class there at the elementary school. He also helped Nathan and Kota with the after school program.

She had instantly liked him from the moment they had met. She had found him to be a kind hearted man, who also seemed to have an old world feel about him. He always wore nice, long-sleeved white dress shirts with pressed black dress pants. She had first noticed his stunning brown eyes. He seemed to have 'fire eyes' which she could see why they would call them that. She had seen it dull when he was down or flare up when he was excited about something. His light brown hair was shorter on the sides, but was a little longer on top. He always had it styled in a sophisticated way.

She'd had no idea who he had been until last year, when Jacob was in one of his classes, and she had gone to the first parent/teacher conference of the year. When he had casually brought up the fact that he could play the piano, she had asked him if he was any good at it, in a joking manner. He had stared at her for so long, she had begun to fidget. Before she could think of a way to change the subject, he had spoken.

He had told her that he used to preform before large audiences since early childhood, up until he graduated high school. Although he had gone to college to study something different, he had ultimately decided that he wanted to teach young children all about music.

When he had told her his full name, that night she had looked him up on the computer. Although the results  had shown mostly bio's on him, she had went straight to his concerts. She had fallen in love with his music and had listened to it often. Jacob, who had shown an interest in the piano, liked to listen to Victor playing, too.

The sound of Victor's voice brought her mind back into the present.

"It was alright, until the last one. That class it always the hardest one to teach, as it is the last class of the day. The students are ready to leave before they even enter the room."

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