First Day Back

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Brad's floor plan below:

                                                                             First Day Back

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                                                                             First Day Back

    This morning I woke up happier than I've ever been since my breakup with Ben. As I got out of bed, I couldn't help but think about my kiss with Brad yesterday. It was so intense yet magical. Hell, I even dreamed about that sexy beast doing nasty things to me. If I was a guy I would totally have a boner right now. I've never had a thing for Brad so why do I want him all up in me. Literally. It was like as soon as our lips touched a spark went off. I wonder if Brad feels the same way. I mean who wouldn't want a piece of Madison. If I were Brad I would devour every last piece of me. I proceeded to walk into the bathroom and got undressed for my shower. Before I got in the steaming hot shower I took a good look at myself in the mirror and it confirmed my thoughts from earlier. I would definitely eat me up in a heartbeat. Ben missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

After I got out of the shower, I did my makeup and got dressed in a sweater and some baggy jeans.

After I got out of the shower, I did my makeup and got dressed in a sweater and some baggy jeans

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   I then went downstairs and ate some cereal. I was sitting on the couch watching some Netflix and eating my cereal when Jasmine decided to start a conversation. By the way, I hate when people do this and she knows it.

"So... what happened between you and Brad last night?" Jasmine said.

"Nothing." I murmured. I continued eating my cereal.

"Then how come when we got home you went straight to your room?" Jasmine said.

"Because I was tired. What kind of question is that?" I said angrily.

"You didn't look tired at all, don't think I didn't see you smiling when we were driving back home." Jasmine said.

"So, I can't smile now?" I exclaimed.

"I think you went straight to your room because you were trying to finish what Brad started. If you know what I mean." Said Jasmine.

"Ew!" I spat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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