Truth or Dare

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Madison's POV

Brad above^

Truth or Dare

   "Guys today is March 24th and can you believe Spring break is coming to an end in 3 days." said Allison. Yeah I know but I really enjoyed our Spring break together. I mean think about it went on a cruise to the Bahamas, we got to swim with the dolphins in Miami, and we even got to meet Drake in Hollywood just a couple hours away from home. He is so hot I don't know why Rihanna isn't with him I definitely would be. All the girls at the sleepover giggled at that last little comment I made about Drake. "Little did they know that I was being dead ass serious. Drake can call me on my cellphone at any time." I thought to myself. After we all got done laughing at my joke the girls and I started to talk about the quarter schedules we got this morning. We wanted to see if we had any new elective classes together. Since Paige wasn't at the sleepover, the girls and I decided to FaceTime her to compare our schedules to hers. It turns out that we all had Drama class together. After about ten minutes of gossiping, we then started to think about what we are going to do together tomorrow. We all decided on going to the mall in downtown San Diego at 1:30. After our plans were settled, we decided to say goodbye to Paige. It was already 1:30 am so Allison, Ella, Hazel, Jasmine, Mia, Selena, and I decided to call it a night and went to sleep.


    The next morning, the girls and I woke up, got ready, and ate breakfast. It was only 10:30 after doing all that so we all decided to watch a movie on Netflix to pass the time. "I want to watch a sexy romantic movie!" Hazel said. Hazel has a wild personality that's probably why she got grounded so often. "Hazel, so you're saying you want to watch porn?" Ella said. "Pretty much." Replied Hazel. The group burst into laughter after Hazel's reply to Ella. We ended up watching Finding Dory to keep Hazel from getting a little too excited, if you know what I mean. By then it was 12:30 so we decided to head over to the mall since it took 45 minutes with traffic which there usually always is because we live in California. On the way we picked Paige up from her house. Forty-five minutes later, we arrive at the mall, but now we have to find somewhere to park. "Of course, the whole goddamn state of California wants to be at the mall at this time. Fuck this shit I'm parking on the curb!" said Jasmine in anger. Jasmine proceeded to drive up on the curb and park there. "Damn girl are you trying to give a bitch scoliosis by driving up that curb fast as hell? Said Paige. After a brief moment of laughter, we all hopped out of the car and we were greeted by Jake and Brad. Jake is Paige's twin brother and Brad is his popular best friend. "What the hell are you doing here? "Said Paige. "What do you mean sis? It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and Brad and I decided to come to the mall." Said Jake with a smirk on his face. "Yeah sure... I knew I heard you come into my room last night listening to our conversation. The only reason you're here is because Jasmine is here." Said Paige. "OOOOOO.... You just got exposed by your sister." Said Hazel. "Guys stop teasing Jake its ok if he wants to hang out with us." Said Jasmine. "Says the girl who was just cursing and having a fit about there being no parking spaces." Hazel replied. I thought to myself, she is only being nice to Jake because she likes him back. I mean it was pretty obvious, plus they have known each other since they were five years old. Jasmine is the only girl he is not a complete jerk to. Now instead of it being a girl day, it was a huge group outing. Now it was Brad, Jake, Allison, Ella, Hazel, Jasmine, Mia, and Paige, Selena, and I at the mall. As we all walked towards the mall, I whispered to Allison and Ella, "I don't know why Hazel was acting like she didn't want Jake and Brad to join us when she knows she has the biggest crush on Brad. I mean she couldn't help but smile when he was around, and now that he was single whenever she gets the chance she finds a way to talk and hang out with him." This made Allison and Ella giggle. Then suddenly Hazel turns around and asks," What's so funny?" Allison, Ella, and I instantly shouted, "NOTHING!" This only made us laugh harder so, Hazel just rolled her eyes and walked over to Brad. We had finally made it into the mall and we decided not to split up so it was pretty awkward when the girls and I went into Victoria's secret. I felt like Brad was watching my every move. It was obvious that Jake was watching EVERYTHING Jasmine did. He even offered to pay for her panties. She didn't let him of course so he said now I have to buy you lunch. The group was pretty hungry so we all headed up to the food court. We decided to go to Chick-Fil-a and Jake payed for Jasmine's meal as promised. Paige rolled her eyes and said, "You might as well ask her out already, you're already acting like her damn boyfriend!" "Chill out Paige, you're just mad that your boyfriend and that you have to pay for your own food." Said Jake. "Well at least my boyfriend isn't such a wimp and he can actually ask a girl out." Replied Paige. "Alright alright break it up you two, we are in public for god's sake. I said. The whole group burst into laughter, for some reason it was hilarious to see the twins argue and I stopped them every time. After we all ordered and got our food, we sat down to eat it. Somewhere down the line of small talk while eating, the game of truth or dare started. I knew this wasn't going to end well because my sister and I were very competitive and we never backed down from a dare. After, a couple of truths and a couple of dares it came time for Jake to ask Jasmine a truth or dare question. Jasmine being Jasmine obviously chose dare. "I dare you and all the rest of the girls to come back to my house and continue this game." Said Jake "Ok" replied Jasmine. Allison, Ella, Mia, and Selena backed out of this dare. Luckily for them, Selena's boyfriend, Tommy was there so he gave them all a ride home. However, the rest of us headed over to Jake and Paige's house.

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