Chapter 17 Movies

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going?"

"None. Of. Your. Business." I growl, sick and tired of everything being ruined by him. The last four years of my life ruined. All because of him.

He narrows his eyes. "Do not speak to me in that tone princess. You won't like the punishment."

"You don't scare me anymore. I'm done living in fear, I'm done being afraid."

He reaches out caressing my face, an evil grin plastered on his face. "How foolish. If only you knew how terrifying I could be."

He lets me go and I walk off, outside the building, needing to cool off. I lean against the brick wall of the movie theater and close my eyes. I can't believe I just did that. I stood up to the guy I've been terrified of for 4 years. 

The door opens and I look over. Great. He's followed me. 

"What are you doing here?" I snap. "Just leave me alone."

He walks over and stands in front of me. "I can't do that darling. It isn't safe to be out here alone you know." 

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Says the stalker and kidnapper."

"Well, there are others out there worse than me." He grins. "And I can't have someone taking what's mine."

It's like he's trying to provoke me today. "I am NOT yours. I do not belong to you or anyone else for that matter." 

"That's what you think darling. No matter what you say, you belong to me and no one else. You are mine and you always will be."

I glare at him. "No. I'm. Not."

He gets real close to my face, grabbing my arms and pinning them above my head. "You are mine darling and I will have you soon. Less than a month actually. The last day of school is tomorrow. No one will care if I 'disappear'. No one will ever suspect me."

My heart beats faster and my eyes widen in fear. 

He grins. "Just wait darling, not too long and we'll be together." He lets go of my arms and moves away from me. "I'll see you soon." He leans in one last time to kiss my cheek, before turning around and walking away.

The door opens again and I look over. Michael stands there, Josh right behind him. "Hey, are you okay? Why'd you leave?"

"I just needed some fresh air, sorry guys." I follow them back in. "Let's go finish the movie."

 They both nod and walk on either side of me. We walk in and they make me sit with them so I don't disappear again.




An hour and a half later the movies finished but nobody seems ready to go home. 

"Hey, is anyone hungry?" I ask.

'I could eat." Kayden replies.

"Yeah." Jessica and Maria both say.

"A little." Michael answers.

"Starving." Josh says.

"Kind of." Karla admits.

"Let's go eats then, anyone know a good place." I ask.

"I know the perfect place." Michael tells me. "It's an Italian restaurant, family owned, they have amazing food. It's called Mama Mia." 

"Oh! I know that place." Kayden says.

"Okay then, we'll meet there." Maria announces.

Everyone agrees and we pile into the two cars. 10 minutes later both cars pull up in the parking lot. There are a couple other cars here, but mostly it's pretty empty. We all walk in and are seated immediately.

The waitress hands us each a menu. We look it over. I order a Dr. Pepper and lasagna, Maria orders a Pepsi and spaghetti and meatballs, Kayden orders a water and ravioli, Karla orders a sweet tea and ravioli. Jessica orders a Coke and Minestrone. Michael and Josh get a pizza to share and two root beers. The waitress takes our orders and a few minutes later brings us our drinks.

We talk about random stuff.

"So, who wants to play a game?" Karla asks. Everyone says yes.

"What game though?" I ask.

"What about Never Have I Ever?" Maria says.

Everyone agrees. "You go first Mar." Michael says.

"Okay, never have I ever kissed someone." Everyone but me and Jess takes a drink.

They look at us and we both say. "What?"

"I've just never had time." Jess says.

"I haven't found the right guy." I say, which is a lie, but they don't need to know that.

"Okay Karla, your turn." Jess tells her.

"Never have I ever been in love." Everyone but me takes a drink. 

"Alright Ivy, your turn." Josh says.

"Um, never have I ever been cliff jumping." Me, Jess, and Josh take a drink.

"Okay Josh, your turn."

The game goes on like that for a while, until our food comes. We continue playing while we're eating our food. When we're done we split the bill and pile into the cars for the last time. I'm the last one in Maria's car to get dropped off. I say goodbye to Maria and head inside.

I walk quietly inside. All the lights are off and it's quiet. I walk quietly in the kitchen to get a water bottle. I flick on a light and quietly open the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

I shut it and lean against the counter, twisting the cap off and taking a drink. I put the cap back on and walk out, turning off the light. I take my water and walk quietly up the stairs to my room. I walk in flicking the light on. I walk to my dresser, setting my water bottle on top and pulling out some shorts and a tank top. 

I change into them and walk over to my bed setting my water bottle on the nightstand. I'm not tired so I grab my favorite book off the shelf, 'Inkheart'. I've read this book a million times. 

I turn on my lamp and turn off my main light. I lay on my stomach in bed reading. By the time I get halfway through the book it's already 2 AM. I decide that I better close the book and go to sleep, but I read one last chapter before I do. 

Finally, I close the book and set it on my nightstand, turning off my lamp. I get under the covers and grab my phone, turning on music and making sure the alarm is set. 

Tyler Joseph's amazing voice lulls me to sleep.

"The air begins to feel a little thin as I start the car and then I begin to add the miles piled up behind me I barely feel a smile deep inside me..."

Hey guys! So, we got to meet some of Charlotte's new friends, what do you guys think of them? Charlotte finally stood up to 'Lucas', what are your thoughts? Feedback of all kinds is welcome and very appreciated! It really helps me to know what you guys like and if I'm doing this right, haha. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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