Irisblossom was practically bursting with excitement when she stepped back. She exchanged an excited glance with Robinpaw, who returned it hesitantly.

"Robinpaw, step forward."

Her belly seemed to be filled with birds and bugs as she obeyed, her legs threatening to buckle under her in excitement.

This is it.

She glanced back to Thrushnose and Foxtail for encouragement. They both waved their tails in encouragement while Foxtail edged closer to the front.

"Oh, Sun and Moon, the givers of light and life, look down upon me to approve my choice. Robinpaw, you have proved an excellent contributor to the Den of Hunters and Warriors. Your excellent listening and climbing skills are held in the highest regard by every member of FloraClan. Foxtail, is your trainee Robinpaw prepared to take on the role of a full member of the Den of Hunters and Warriors?"

Foxtail's voice almost seemed to shake as she replied. "She is ready, Leader of the Flowers."

"Then by the power granted to me by my position, I give you your name. Robinpaw, from this moment on, your name shall be Robinear, in honor of your acute hearing and silence climbing trees. The Den of Hunters and Warriors welcomes you as a full member."

The spell of silence that had seemed to hang over the Clan was suddenly broken as all the cats began calling their names-- their full names. Robinear noted with unease, however, that Willowpaw was calling her name loudest of all.

Well, second to Thrushnose, perhaps.

The words about the three of them guarding the leaders seemed to be lost in the crowd, though it was probably just as loud as always.

Thrushnose was at her side, purring, and Foxtail was simply saying congratulations over and over. Leopardpaw came to her side and congratulated her as well, along with Bearpaw, who Robinear had barely spoken to.

Scanning the crowd for her littermates, she saw Irisblossom surrounded by admirers and Greyfur receiving a loving congratulations by Fawnfur.

Those two will be mates before the sun's down, purred Robinear.

Everything seemed to blur together in a mess of movement and noise, and the newly named Robinear couldn't say she was sorry for the hubbub to die down.

Once it did, however, she headed almost immediately to Gingerfur. The ginger she-cat turned, confused, then brightened when she saw who it was.

"Robinp-ear! How are you?"

"Pretty good," replied Robinear. "But, uh, there is something I'd like to talk to you about..." She'd lowered her voice considerably now, and glanced anxiously back to Thrushnose. Thankfully, the beautiful white she-cat was engrossed in a conversation with Greyfur.


Robinear gulped. "Well, Willowpaw approached me last night..."

Gingerfur winced. "That's all you need to say. I'm assuming that's what the lovely claw marks on his face are from?"

Robinear nodded mutely.

" away, didn't you?" Gingerfur glanced at Robinear in concern.

"Yes, yes," Robinear hastened to assure her. "I got away. But I'm worried...I mean, he is a Lesser Leader..."

Gingerfur shrugged helplessly. "I'm sorry, Robinear. There's nothing I can do. Just hope that a decent tom claims you."

Robinear sighed. "As if."

Gingerfur purred. "Cheer up! Even I was claimed!"

"Wait, what?"

Gingerfur purred and shoved Robinear aside. "Now, shoo. Go to your future mate."

Robinear was shoved forcefully into Thrushnose, and she felt her fur grow hot. "She's not--"

Thrushnose purred. "I'm not what?"


Thrushnose frowned. "What were you talking to Gingerfur about, anyway?" She paused and tilted her head. "Did it have to do with last night?"

Robinear nodded. "Yes...well, uh, Willowpaw..."

She launched into the story, Thrushnose interjecting often with hisses. Robinear found it hard to keep going after Thrushnose began grooming her, but somehow had the strength to continue.

By the end, the beautiful she-cat looked ready to rip Willowpaw apart. "How dare he!" she hissed, fur bristling. "His dare he!"

Robinear winced. "The other problem is...well, he'll probably claim me as soon as he becomes a full member."

Thrushnose began pacing angrily, and Robinear noted absently that the ready of the Clan had retreated to their dens.

"What can we do?" she hissed, still pacing.

Robinear sighed. "We can't do anything."

Thrushnose sat down with an audible thump.

"We'll just have to hope."

The sun cast its last rays over the tree tops before sinking, and Robinear walked over to join her littermates guarding the den.

Thrusting aside her worries about Willowpaw, Robinear simply nodded to her siblings and let the joy of receiving her full member name wash over her.

Unfortunately, that feeling was rather diminished.

Look at me! Two chapters in one day!

We're 2/3rds of the way through, folks!

So, questions! What did you think of Robinear's name? Gingerfur? Anything else?

In other news, I created an account called @FloraClanCharacters to let you ask the characters questions! Just post on the message board along with the character's name, to ask. :)


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