Chapter [26]

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Mason and Skylar's Wolf eyes when pissed off above

Skylar's POV
4 days later

So here's what happened a couple days ago:

Tyler, Mason, Bre, and I went to the school carnival that Elena, Kat, Bonnie, and Takarie set up for Caroline since she couldn't.

Mason pulled Tyler out of a fight, and we all saw his eyes glow like mine would when I'm pissed off.

Caroline was killed and turned into a vampire by Katherine.

Now Stefan, Elena, and Damon are curious what the Lockwoods are, and they think it will help me figure out what I am.

So here I am at the Boarding House with Elena, Ric, Stefan, and Damon. "Thanks for coming." Stefan said. "No problem. Sky said you needed my help." Ric said sitting down on the couch across from us. "Yeah, can you shed some light on the Lockwood family?" Elena asked. "Why would I know anything about the Lockwoods?" Ric said looking at us curiously.

"Well you wouldn't. But you're vampire ex-wife might." Damon smirked. "Isobel's research from Duke. She spent years researching this town right?" Stefan asked. "Yeah. It was rooted in folklore and legend. At the time I thought it was fiction." Ric sighed. "Like that amazing vampire story." Damon mocked causing me to hit him upside the head, as he pulled me into his lap. "Besides vampires, what else did she research?" I asked.

"The lycanthrope." Ric sighed. "Wait Like werewolves?" Elena asked. "No way. Impossible. Way to Lon Chaney. Plus I think I'd know if my girl turned into a hairy beast!" Damon shook his head. "Gee thanks." I frowned. "And how would you know it's impossible?"

"I've been on this planet 160 some odd years, and we've never come across one." Damon shrugged. "If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

"Why do you suspect the Lockwoods? And how is Skylar connected to this?" Ric asked. "Well vervain didn't affect Skylar, Adeena, or the Mayor at Founder's Day, but Johnathan Gilbert's device did. It also affected his son Tyler." Damon pointed out. "Plus, at the school carnival, his Uncle Mason showed inhuman behavior when he fought one of the workers. He had this non-human strength and his eyes glowed. Just like what happens with Skylar when she's pissed or standing up for the people she cares about." Stefan added.

"We were hoping Isobel's research could help." Elena sighed. "All of her things are still at Duke. Her office is still there. Technically she's still missing." Ric informed. "So could we get access to it?" Damon asked as Ric looked unsure. "Please. Ric. You know how much I need to know. To know what, or who I am. Please?" I asked.

"She's right. We need to know what we're dealing with. I've seen enough movies to know, if this wolf thing is true, it's not ending well." Damon frowned. "It means if Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney. Tyler and Bre are Lon Chaney Jr. Which means Bela Lugosi, meaning us, are totally screwed.


After convincing Ric to call Duke, we were home getting ready to leave. So I was in my room with Damon searching threw my closet. "So what do you think of this wolf thing?" He asked. "Honestly," I sighed. "I don't know."

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