Chapter 23: love your self

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Marynn's POV

"Yes,come in" I answer fixing the veil on my head

Ahhhhhh"ahhhhhhh...Fatima!!!" I jumped from my bed like superman to the door and hugged her like my life depended on the hug "well someone missed me" she hugged back with a single hand whilst her other hand held her bag

I looked back at her and she gave me a half smile"what's wrong"

"I should be asking you..your eyes are all puffy and red"

"Oh" I shyly took her brown luggage

"You must be tried let's go downstairs to eat"

"Oldest trick in the book.Woman!.. Now seat and tell me what's wrong what are you doing here"

"You don't seem surprised that I'm here"

"Well your mom told were upstairs" she spoke placing her finger on her lip notifying me I shouldn't tell anyone she knew

I sat down with fatimah on my bed and I began the story from the first time I heard Khadija and Othman talk all through when I first met her to when I saw her with Othman,I tell Fatima everything because she thinks like an adult,I knew that since highschool,she had my hands clapped on her lips when I told her the last part

"Wait wait..were they having coitus?"


I picked out my phone and showed her the text he sent to me

"Then you shouldn't be this mad...I'm sorry for saying this, said you saw her hands all over him,but his hands we're just around her waist.."

I nod my head and looked back to my phone and I see his name typing..omg his typing

" understand"


"Sorry what did you say" and she rolled her eyes taking my phone from me she spoke "what are you...oh my,he is typing"

"What did he say"

She didn't answer but her hands began typing too

"Wah da..don't reply him" I sped to her but she stood and ran away from me
"Stop fatimah... I don't want to reply him"

"Yeah exactly.. Thats why I am replying him"did I mention Fatima can be so annoying oh and I said she thinks like an adult scratch that,I followed her almost getting hold of my phone

"Then you use your phone " she spun around ..going away from my reach,darn it

"Why use mine when I have yours"she got on my bed and before I got on top she ran into the toliet and locked the door

" fatimaaah!!!! Open this door now or I swear"

"What will happen" what should I say...ahhha!

"I will tell Zayd you have a crush on him and I am not joking" Zayd is her crush since grade 9 and it would break her heart if he knew... She's lowkey crushing on the fella

"Oh yeah ...with,which phone"Shoot!,I looked over to my bed and I see her Samsung nicely sleeping on my bed " yours" I shot back sprinting to my bed..zayd is my best Friend he believes everything I say and when I tell him he would believe ASAP

The bathroom door opened showing an anxious Fatima I held her phone to my chest

"Give me my phone back" I spoke

"Or I will send the text no call him or better send him a voice note" I haven't written anything..haven't found his contact yet and I'm here blabbing

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