chapter 12: baby talk

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I was taking my last spoon full on cereal when Zahira laughed again,she came some hours ago,after I told her Othman wasn't home,she played a movie called 'what to expect with you're expecting' its basically a movie about different pregnancy experience faced by different women and we have been laughing ever since,

"She clearly hates her" she laughed again

"And the worst part she's not hiding it"

We laughed again, when a maid walked in and asked what she should cook for dinner,I simply told her to go and rest for the day Zahira wanted to teach me her special recipe on how to make lasagna and a home made milk shake and besides my husband should not always be eating food made by maids,he should sometimes eat meals made by me my mom called me yesterday and told me to make sure i cook for Othman some today is the day

I looked at the time and it was 5:13pm and Othman usually comes back by 7:00pm

"Zahira can we pause this now,Othman will soon be home,and I have to make him dinner"

"Oh yea, sure"

We stepped into the kitchen and an hour and half later we were done,I set the table for Othman cause Zahira and I were both not that hungry so we jumped right back to our movie

When it was time for magrib we paused the movie again and went to perform our prayers we came back,this time when we came back Zahira asked me a question right when she pressed on play

"But do you want to have a baby with Othman anytime soon"

I looked down at my phone not knowing what to do,so instead I checked the time and it was 7:01pm

"I dunno we haven't really talked about kids with Othman.."I wanted to add,but I really didn't know what to say,That was the only answer I could think of,did someone turn off the air conditioner in this room or what?

She looked back to the movie playing"I do you Want to?like if he says 'No marynn I'm not interested in kids' " she says the last part trying to sound like Othman and it was a terrible accent couldn't stop the laugh from coming out "like would you be angry, I don't know if I'm making sense but do you understand"

I heard a faint 'assalamu alaikum' as the door flew open showing Othman in a tux with the jacket buttons all undone,I stood up to collect the grey bag he was holding and to also welcome him in properly leaving what ever convo Zahira was trying to start behind

"Heyy brother"Zahira shouts from behind

"Welcome" I say softly and collected the bag and he replies with a smile

I went to the kitchen and dropped the bag on one of the kitchen countertops I'm not the Snoopy type,so I didn't think of going through the bag,I went back to the living room and Othman was sitting with his sister,after taking my seat on the sofa I was sitting on before,Othman stood up and sat close to me,he pulled me close with his arm around my shoulder and pecked my fore head,I was so happy Zahira didn't see that...phew

"What movie is this?" Othman questioned

Zahira answered him before I could"what to expect when you're expecting the girl from Charlie's angles is in it"

"Cameron Daiz?"

"Yes yes"

"I have seen it...and oh Spoiler alert she ."

"Oh my days please stop talking,I know you know so zip it" she slays sending a death glare to Othman "

Taking his hands up in defect "fine..fine.."

Zahira turned up the volume dropping the remote beside her,I don't know ever since Othman came in I really didn't give the movie the attention I gave it before,besides I can still watch it alone tomorrow when he leaves for work.

"Your food is on the table,if you're hungry"i whisperyelled to him

"I'm not that hungry,did maria make it?"he replied looking down into my eyes

"No I did..actually Zahira and i"

"You cooked for me?,then I am defiantly not missing that" he winked

I smiled,and lips showed the upper part of my teeth,he stood up giving me his hand "care to join me?"

"Don't mind if I do" I smiled giving him my hand,what's with me and smiling when he us around.

Because you like him *wink*

Well maybe.

"Marynn and I would be eating in the dinning area if you're  looking for us"

"Don't worry I won't" she answers not flitching her eyes once from the television,she really loves this movie.

The table was set and Othman had his food on his plate before he told me something that turned my smile upside down.

"I would be living to London next week for a program for me company and I won't be done with the program until the next 6 freaking months,I wanted to take you with me,but I realised you and Zahira are getting close now and in London you won't have anyone there with you,but I don't know?do you want to come with me?"

"Wait,wait,I don't get you, you're living next week,why are you just telling me,and for six good months" i mainted a poker face.

"Its next week marynn not tomorrow or something,You know I told you last night we are having this meeting this morning and I wanted to send some people to do the job,but I don't know I really like things done my way,like I said if you want to follow me you can,but I won't be home most of the time because of work"

"No,I would stay here" even though i would like to go to london i have never been any were only to mekkah and that was some years back,but to him traveling is just a normal thing im sure.

"But you would come back home like for a weekend or something"

"Yeah sure"he smiled,yet again.


"What's wrong?" He says after taking a spoon full of the sweet lasagne

"Er.m. Othman I have been wanting to tell you this,i would really like to go back to school,I already have my high school certificate and all an-"

"School?" He says looking up from his food,with a confused look

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