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My family somehow managed to get through Melanie's small but somewhat big deal graduation without killing each other. Seeing her smile light up as she walked across the small stage made me feel accomplished, I took a little responsibility for that smile. I was a good big sister today and that was something to be proud of.

I sat waiting for Jess to get back with wine. We had all decided to have a movie night together and spend some alone time. Jess was leaving tomorrow morning  and I was leaving later in the day. I loved my family but we function better for short amounts of time.

"I just got Melanie to sleep." My mom sighed plopping down on the couch beside me. I smiled at her.

"I'm sorry today was such a disaster." I said.

She brushed my hair behind my ear, an act that pleased me. Yes I was nineteen but you're never too old to be comforted by your mother. "Me too, but it's not your fault. Your father just needed time to accept another one of his daughters is grown. You're off on your own to make mistakes and bad choices."

I laughed, "Oh so I'm ruining my life? That's what you to think I do everyday?"

She shook her head and laughed quietly, no seriousness behind either of our tones, "I just mean that you will have good and bad to handle, this is the moment your life starts. This is the time to create what you want to look back on when you're sixty and the best times are behind you, Stella I know you have such potential and I can't wait to see what becomes of you."

I was smiling from ear to ear when my mom wrapped her arms around me.

The front door opened," I've got wine! I wasn't sure which you would want mom so I got red and white." She held up two bottles and furrowed her brows at us. "What did I walk in on?"

My mom and I laughed, "Sure pretend you got two bottles for my sake." My mom teased.


"Let's watch another!" My very tipsy sister yelled.

My mother shushed her, " Do not wake up your sister." Jess laughed.

"The Notebook!" She yelled quieter than before but enough to show her excitement. My mom and Jess loved The Notebook, I however, no matter how many times I tried to watch it, could never get into it. I groaned.

"You two have fun." I said, standing and walking to my room.

I dug through my suitcase searching for pajamas. I grabbed some plaid shorts and a tank top and pulled them on sighing dramatically at how comfortable they were. I plopped down on my bed and took out my phone scrolling through the endless black hole that is the internet.

It was only nine-fifteen on a Saturday night, I yawned.

Just as I was about to close my eyes I jumped when I heard a knock at my window. I glanced over slowly at the curtain, frozen and scared shitless. I waited. Another knock. I wanted to whimper as I slowly got out of bed and walked over stopping just before I reached to pull the curtain back. I hesitated for a moment and then bravely peaked out. It was dark and took me a second to see the familiarly cheesy grin.

"Luke what the hell!" I whispered sliding the window up to open it.

"Why didn't you just knock on the front door like a normal person?" I wanted to reach over and smack his disgustingly flawless face.

He leaned against the side of the house, " I was nervous."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Nervous? What could you possibly be nervous about?"

He looked down and shrugged, he was acting so strange. Usually he was so cocky and playful.

"I don't know," he looked up with a soft expression and rubbed the back of his neck, "You make me nervous Stella Murphy."

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