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I fell sleep with thoughts of Luke ravaging my brain. His smile replayed like a popular song on the radio. His hands traced over my skin like a road map and I simply couldn't not get him out of my head.

I woke to my bedroom door slamming open. Sitting up, startled I rubbed my eyes and squinted into the dark.

"Stella?" A voice called to me, a sweet sound.

"Stella baby where are you?" I stood from my bed looking down to realize I was dressed in only my underwear, fully exposed from the chest up. Growing more confused I jumped when a set of cold hands touched my shoulder.

I looked up to see Luke smirking down at me. "There you are." He ran his fingers up and down my arms giving me goosebumps.

"Luke what is going on?" I tried to cover myself but he shook his head and grabbed my wrists tightly.

"Uh-ah," he leaned in closer to me. "No hiding from me."

I nodded feeling myself growing strangely excited.

"Now are you gonna tell me who Michael is?" He asked closing the gap between us and attaching his lips to my neck. He began to suck hard making it impossible not to whimper at the sudden contact.

"He's my friend." I tried to free my hands, wanting to touch him. Instead his grip tightened almost painfully.

"Don't lie to me Stella." He scolded staring at me with dark eyes.

"What do you mea-" his cold hand reaches around and slapped my bum hard.

"Bad girls get punished princess." The way those words rolled off his lips had me aching for relief. I was turned on with a stinging, pleasure begging for release. "Have you been bad?" He asked kneeling down and suck just below my waist, agonizing me.

"Okay," I sighed in defeat and pleasure. "Michael used to," I moaned as he moved further down. "He used to fuck my brains out." I blurted growing more and more frustrated. In this moment I wanted nothing more than to be fucked.

He stood looking at me with shocked eyes. I reached out palming him through his jeans earning a hiss. "He what?" He shuddered.

"He would fuck me so good Luke, the way a girl deserves to be." I licked my lips.

He grabbed my hand forcefully and used the other hand to caress my cheek. "It's daddy. You call me daddy and only I can fuck you princess."

My body jolted as I quickly opened my eyes. Did I really just have a sex dream about my parents fucking neighbor? I felt dirty, ashamed almost. Nothing about Luke made sense to me and I haven't even known him long enough to have feelings for him. I don't even know him period.

I groan loudly and swing my legs over the side of my bed. I had more important things to focus on like the fact that today was Saturday, Melanie's graduation.

"Good morning," Melanie sang as I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning." I mumbled staring out the sliding glass door that lead to our backyard. The sun was shining brightly, reflecting off of the pool water.

"Did you make daddy mad?" Melanie asked.

I spit my coffee back into the cup and began to choke. I wiped my mouth and set my cup down on the counter. "W-what did you say?" I walked over to her whispering even though I knew there was no reason to.

"Daddy and mommy were fighting this morning and he stormed off." She explained continuing to scribble red lines on her paper.

I furrowed my brows and rubbed my temples, what a morning this is turning out to be.
"I'm sure they're fine Melanie, why dont you go get dressed and I'll get ready to drive you to the school." I smiled sympathetically at her.

After Melanie helped pick out my outfit and do my hair, which I of course protested, we left for her graduation. My mom and Jessica didn't talk much on the drive over which made me curious. Today was supposed to be Melanie's happy day, that was the whole point of Jess and I putting our lives on hold and coming here.

I dropped Melanie off at her classroom and made my way through the crowd to find the seats Jess and my mom were saving.

I took my seat on the opposite side of my mom, flattening my white skirt as I sat. "Alright are you two going to tell me what's going on?"

They both looked at me, I shook my head becoming more irritated. "Dad found out about your tattoo." Jessica tells me.

Of course. All of this over a decision I made last fall. "So he's not going to show up for Melanie all because of a little tattoo?" I ask staring at them.

My mom looks at the floor while Jess looks at me shrugging her shoulders. "This is ridiculous." I stand up and dig my keys out of my bag.

"I will be back before she even notices I'm gone, hopefully with dad."


When I pull up to my house I see no sign of anyone being inside. I sit there hitting my steering wheel out of frustration. Why does he care so much that I, a legal adult, made a choice to ad a little art to my skin? It's not like I tattooed my face. I would think he'd be more upset if he knew I was drunk when I got it...

Having no better ideas I get out and walk across the road to Luke's house. Here goes nothing... I knock and step back looking down at my feet. Looking Luke in the eyes after my dream didn't seem like the most appealing thing and I was hoping to avoid it.

A few seconds pass and he opens the door with a confused expression. "Stella?" He asks softly.

"Hi Luke," I say still looking at the ground. "I was just wondering if you've seen my dad around? He sort of stormed of and I-"

"He's in my backyard." Luke says.

I stand there finally looking up at him with a dumbfounded look on my face.

"You're welcome to join us." Luke tells me opening the door further. I nod and begin to follow him.

I'd been in this house countless times, running down the halls as a small child, playing hide and go seek in all the secret hiding spots. I knew this house like the back of my hand but it was still strange because this was Luke's home now. It was decorated differently, more modern then I remember. It was where he laid his head at night and spent his spare time. I could imagine him stumbling into the kitchen and cooking breakfast or spread out on the couch watching tv with a bowl of popcorn and not a care in the world. I smiled as I pictured it.

"What?" He asked me causing my smile to be replaced by red cheeks.

"Nothing." I said and hurried into the backyard.

As soon as my dad saw me he shifted in his chair.

"Look I know you're pissed at me," I started shooting my father a glare. "But you have a daughter who hasn't done anything wrong, waiting for you and she will not understand why one of the few people she looks up to is not there for her."

Luke stands behind me with a beer in his hand. My dad continues to sit in his lawn chair looking at me with a blank expression.

"Is that something you want to fill her head with? She's too young to realize that people make promises that they don't keep, she still believes in hope and magical things and you not showing up will fill her with doubt and confusion. She will wonder what happened or what she did to make you not show up for her."

Luke moves closer to me, as soon as I realize how loud my voice had gotten. He tries to put his hand on the small of my back but I dodge it out of habit.

My dad clears his throat and nods at me. I follow him as he stands and walks  inside the house.

Luke grabs my arm slowing me down, "Stella what is going on?" He wonders.

"I had to stand up for her Luke she's just a kid."

He smiles, "So are you."

I punch his arm playfully in defense. "I'll see you later Luke." I say without thinking. Will I see him again? More importantly why did I say that so surely, I didn't even think, it just naturally came out of my mouth. I look back to see his lips wrapped around his beer bottle and find myself grinning....

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