Chapter 17

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Several hundred years ago there was there was a powerful family. The parents, were very respected by the European society they had settled down in. They had six wonderful children. Five boys and a feeble little girl. The poor child was sick most if her early life, being on bed rest for some of it, and being watched closely by doctors the other. It was an astonishment to the doctors the noble family had assigned to the young girl that on her eighth birthday she arose healthy as a mule.

It was already said that she wouldn't make it past her fifth birthday, but here she was at eight, feeling healthier than ever. To celebrate, her father invited all the other noble families and their children to come to a banquet in her honor.

At the party, there was everything going on. Games, laughter, good hearted banter. It was a happy gathering. At least for everyone except the little girl. She didn't want to play with the other children when they asked and she didn't take to kindly to adults trying to talk to her either.

Then, her father appeared in front of her with a strange looking boy. He looked to be about a tad bit older than her. Twelve, thirteen even. "Tatiana. This is Claus. He had shown great interest in you." Her father explained. The boy gave her a mischievous girn, before sticking his hand out for her to shake. She stared at it.

"Tatiana! Where are your manners!" Her father scolded. She wasn't listening. She was staring, analyzing even. This boy didn't seem right to her. "Show some courtesy! This young man wants to court you!" Her eyes widened in horror.

As young as she was, the girl understood what that term meant. Her brothers didn't train in the finest combating styles for nothing.

Of course, she would have started her training two years ago to be a princess. She was thankful of her sickness, because she had no interest in becoming one. All she wanted was to run and play and have a good childhood while she could.

She soon realized though, her father had other plans for her. "Claus wants you to marry him in five years time." Her mother explained.

Tatiana gulped. It was common for thirteen year olds to get married in her kingdom. She had watched her babysitter, Cadence, grow more and more distant as she got closer to her husband to be. He was fifteen years older than her.

Tatiana shuddered. She didn't want that to be her. Tied down to some brute who would control her for the rest of her life. After all, Cadence's new husband was the one who requested that she not continue taking care of Tatiana so that she could care for his children.

Cadence thought that was inconsiderate and selfish of him, especially since the girl still needed her, but in this kingdom the wife had to do whatever the husband said. So one day after playing with the younger girl and giving her a bath, Cadence tucked Tatiana into bed and sang her a song. As the child began to drift,

Cadence pulled off her most prized necklace, and put it on her. "Never forget me, Tatiana. I will always remain with you." She kissed her forehead and left without a second glance.

Tatiana had woken up to find the necklace around her neck and Cadence gone. She cried until nightfall.

Tatiana reflexively reached for the necklace and squeezed it. After that, she never requested any man or boy, in this case.

"I will not marry him." She had finally spoken in what seems like ages. And her voice was strong, sure. She knew what she wanted.

"You do not have a choice." Her father snapped, picking her up by her arm. Her body though healthier than it was before, was still recuperating and the slight tug hurt.

"Yes I do! I am my own person! You cannot make me do anything I don't want to do!" She snapped back just as fiercely. His eyes blazed with fire. She had done it now.

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