Imagine for Musicandreading16 (1D - doctor)

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This is about a year late, oops! I can't explain how sorry I am for that, @musicandreading16. Hopefully this'll make up for it!

Ally's POV

"Maybe you should go see a doctor," Liam, my older brother spoke, after seeing my sickly state.

I sent him a glare in response, "Don't you dare." Although my voice was pretty much gone, I'm sure he heard me.

He threw his folded arms up in the air as response, "You have a fever of 102, you're going - end of story."

I rolled my eyes as he left, leaving me to either comply and get dressed, or ignore his commands. Deciding to go with the first option and just get this whole ordeal over with, I shakily stood up out of bed, throwing on a pair of sweats.

My vision became blurred as a wave of fatigue rushed over me, thankfully soon passing.

Before I knew it I was in Liam's car, heading to the doctors - which coincidentally was his best friend, Harry.

I've never met Harry personally, but have heard stories of how wonderful he is at being a doctor; of course most of those were from Liam, when he tried to get me to see him when I fell ill sometimes.

Soon we were exiting the car and heading into Harry's office, almost immediately taken back by his nurse Niall; as if they were expecting us. Niall took my vitals and wrote down symptoms, before alerting us that Harry would be in the room in a few minutes.

And he was right, as Harry entered the room it long after, carrying a clipboard and wearing a white lab coat.

"Hi Ally, Liam," he greeted gently, setting the clipboard on the counter. "You've been having a sore throat, fever, body aches and chills right?" After I nodded my head in confirmation, he made a grimace. "Sounds like a classic case of the flu, and we'll do a swab test for your throat as well."

He proceeded to grab a few things and then began, looking in my eyes, ears, and nose before asking me to open my mouth. I complied, watching on as he grabbed a tongue depressor and put it on my tomgue.

"Yeah, it looks really red and raw. Have you thrown up at all?" I quickly shook my head, indicating a 'no'. He made a humming noise and removed the light and tongue depressor from my mouth, grabbing a cotton swab from a nearby drawer. After I shook my head, indicating a no, I was asked to open my mouth once more.

Gagging as the cotton swab touched the back of my throat, which was thankfully removed not long afterwards. A nurse walked in it took it from Harry, so it could be tested. "Okay, while we get that tested. Let's finish this exam."

Luckily, the rest of it was pretty easy and more routine. The only other things he did was listen to my heart and lungs, followed by taking my vitals once more.

Soon we were all talking amongst each other, about different topics, whilst we waited for the results. Another nurse delivered the results in just about five minutes later, and I immediately knew it was positive judging by Harry's face.

"Well, you've tested positive for strep," he announced, making me throw my head back and groan. "Alright, so I'll go ahead and prescribe you some antibiotics, and you'll be on your way. Just remember, you're still contagious, so be careful."

I laughed, "Don't have to worry about that, I'm not seeing anyone." He laughed in response, followed by a smirk.

"Well maybe I can change that."

A prescription and phone number in my hands, I left the office with Liam, but not before he played the protective brother role.

1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now