Imagine for Hallohellohola (1D)

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This imagine is very late and I apologize...

Third person Pov

Sophie, a dentist at the local dentistry, was cleaning up after her last patient when she heard the door open and close.

"Hello? A voice called out. "Is anyone here?"

Sophie knew that the post man didn't work this late so she wondered who could be at the door. As soon as she walked to the reception area of the office, she saw a man standing there, he had curly hair and looked in his late twenties.

"Hello, I'm Sophie." She said, approaching the man.

"Hi Sophie, I'm Harry. Are you the dentist here?"

She smiled. "Yea I am. What can I help you with?"

"This is actually going to sound really weird, considering I'm a doctor." He paused. "I actually need your help though, two of my teeth have been hurting me for about a week now."

"Okay follow me." Sophie instructed.

She guided Harry to an exam room and had him sit in the dental chair, she then began to get out to proper tools and sterile equipment that she would need.

Once Sophie had everything set up and Harry was sat down as well, she sat down on the stool, switching the dentist chair back. "Ready to begin?" She asked, putting her gloves and mask on.


Harry opened his mouth and Sophie put the light on, then grabbed her mirror and explorer. "You take excellent care of your teeth, there's a little bit of plaque but that's okay." She said, scraping his teeth.

Sophie immediately found the problem. Two of his back molars were cracked and almost infected, they had to be extracted as soon as possible.

"Unfortunately two of your back molars are cracked and if not removed soon, they could get infected." Sophie told the curly headed patient.

"Oh, if it's possible I'd like to get them extracted now."

"Yes that's possible. Are you allergic to any anesthetic or medicine?" She asked, taking her gloves and mask off.

"Nope, none that I know of."

"Okay, just give me a few minutes to get setup."

Sophie grabbed a few gauze pads to stop the bleeding, a hypodermic filled with novocain, topical numbing gel, and a pair of dental pliers.

"I'm going to begin now." Sophie told him, as she pulled on a new pair of gloves and mask.

Harry nodded his head as a signal to show the he was ready. She grabbed the topical gel and put it on his gums above the teeth that needed to be extracted, after a minute she took the q-tip out of his mouth and grabbed the hypodermic.

"Okay I'm injecting the novocain now, just relax." Sophie instructed, putting the needle into his gums. (a/n: literally what my dentist has said before 😂)

Once his mouth was numb, Sophie grabbed the dental pliers and easily extracted the two cracked teeth, she then put the gauze in his mouth to stop the bleeding.

"Okay you're all set. Just hang out with me until the bleeding stops." She told him, putting the chair in the upright position.


The bleeding stopped about ten minutes later and she let Harry leave, but not before getting his number. ;)


Hope you liked it darling!!

Where do you guys think I'm from?

Ali. ❤️❤️

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